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JSON Information Security Marking Standard

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JSON Information Security Marking Standard (JSON-ISM)


Department of Defense (DoD) policy requires the identification and protection of national security information and controlled unclassified information (CUI). Department of Defense Manual (DoDM) 5200.01, Volumes 2 and 4 (referenced below) describe how to appropriately mark classified information and CUI to facilitate information sharing. These markings are used (along with other factors) to make access/dissemination decisions.

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is widely used within the DoD to share information and a comprehensive marking standard called Information Security Marking Metadata (ISM or IC-ISM) has been made available by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (referenced below). We are not aware of any similar marking standards based on JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). With the ever increasing popularity of REST APIs for sharing information between applications/systems, many now using JSON over XML, a standard for marking JSON documents has become necessary. The JSON Information Security Marking Standard (JSON-ISM) aims to be that standard.



JSON-ISM facilitates marking information based upon the concept of Banner Lines (Resource Level) and Portion Markings (Portion Level) as described in the DoDM 5200.01 volumes. JSON-ISM provides the attributes necessary for consumers to construct Banner Lines and Portion Markings to be used when displaying the information. In addition, these attributes can be used when making access/dissemination decisions. Where possible, JSON-ISM attempts to align with the IC-ISM standard.

JSON-ISM is only a marking standard. It remains the responsibility of the data owner(s) to ensure information is appropriately marked and those in possession of classified information or CUI are responsible for its protection.

Distribution Notice ⚠️

All data contained within this repo (including this file) is UNCLASSIFIED.

Classification markings are for illustration purposes only.

ISM Object

ISM attributes will be grouped together to form an object. This object can be used at both the resource level (overall document) and the portion level (individual attribute).

The object is identified at the resource level using the ism key. This key is placed at the root level of the JSON document.

Marking at the resource level (equivalent to Banner Line for overall document classification)

    "version": "1",
    "classification": "U",
    "ownerProducer": [

The object is identified at the portion level using the attribute name plus the Ism key suffix. For example, if the key for the portion we wish to mark is description, the key for the ISM object would be descriptionIsm.

Marking at the portion level (equivalent to Portion Marking for identifying portions within a document)

    "programName": "Nonsensitive Program Name",
    "description": "Sensitive Description",
    "descriptionIsm": {
      "classification": "U",
      "ownerProducer": [
      "disseminationControls": [

ISM Based on Classification

This sections describes which attributes of the ism object are required based on the sensitivity of the information.

Unclassified Information

When dealing with unclassified information that has no limitations on dissemination, all ISM attributes are optional. It is recommended however to include version, classification, and ownerProducer at the resource level.

Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)

CUI is separated into two types: CUI Basic and CUI Specified.

CUI Basic is the standard type of CUI.

CUI Specified contains special handling/dissemination requirements based on Category or Subcategory. These handling requirements are based on laws, regulations, or government-wide policies.

When dealing with CUI Basic, the categoryMarkings attribute is optional, though recommended.

When dealing with CUI Specified, the categoryMarkings attribute is required.

When dealing with CUI, all unclassified data must be marked at the portion level.

Classified Information

When dealing with classified information, the classification and ownerProducer attributes are required. All other attributes are optional.


The following is a list of ISM object attributes. These attributes provide the information necessary to construct Banner Lines and Portion Markings.

JSON-ISM Version

The version attribute (String) identifies the version of JSON-SMS being used (for the entire document). This attribute is only used at the resource level.


The classification attribute (String) is used to identify the highest classification of information included within a document (Banner Line - Resource Level) or within a given portion of a document (Portion Marking - Portion Level). This attribute is always used in conjunction with the ownerProducer attribute. Taken together, these two attributes specify the classification category and type of classification (US, non-US, or Joint).

The possible values for classification are:

Value Description


  "classification": "U"

Controlled By Name

The controlledByName attribute (String) specifies the name of the DoD component determining that the information is CUI for the resource Example

  "controlledByName": "Department of the Navy"

Controlled By Office

The controlledByOffice attribute (String) is the DoD office determining that the information is CUI for the resource Example

  "controlledByOffice": "XYZ-456"

Category Markings

The categoryMarkings attribute (Array[String]) is used to identify one or more CUI Categories or Subcategories. This attribute is only used when classification is CUI and is required when dealing with CUI Specified. When CUI Specified, the category is preceded with SP-.

Example values for categoryMarkings are:

Basic/Specified Value Category
Specified SP-CRITAN Ammonium Nitrate
Basic CVI Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information
Specified SP-CVI Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information
Specified SP-CEII Critical Energy Infrastructure Information
Basic EMGT Emergency Management
Basic CRIT General Critical Infrastructure Information
Basic ISVI Information Systems Vulnerability Information
Basic PHYS Physical Security
Specified SP-PHYS Physical Security
Specified SP-PCII Protected Critical Infrastructure Information
Basic SAFE SAFETY Act Information
Specified SP-TSCA Toxic Substances
Basic WATER Water Assessments

For a complete and up to date list of CUI Categories, visit (CUI Categories)


  "categoryMarkings": [

When this attribute is used to generate banner or portion markings, the following rules apply:

  • Category Markings are required for CUI Specified
  • CUI Specified markings MUST precede CUI Basic Markings
  • CUI Category/Subcategory markings MUST be alphabetized within CUI type (Basic or Specified)
  • Alphabetized Specified CUI categories/subcategories MUST precede alphabetized Basic CUI categories/subcategories

Owner Producer

The ownerProducer attribute (Array[String]) is used to identify one or more national governments or international organizations that have purview over the classification marking of a resource or portion therein. This attribute is always used in conjunction with the classification attribute. Taken together, these two attributes specify the classification category and type of classification (US, non-US, or Joint).


  "ownerProducer": [

Point Of Contact

The poc attribute attribute (String) contains the phone number or email address for the originating DoD Component or authorized CUI holder for the resource.


  "poc": "+1 (202) 555-4545"


The joint attribute (Boolean), when true, is used to signify that multiple values in the ownerProducer attribute are JOINT owners of the data.


  "joint": true

Dissemination Controls

The disseminationControls attribute (Array[String]) identifies one or more indicators for expanding or limiting the distribution of information.

The possible values for disseminationControls are:

Value Description

Banner Line Markings

The bannerLine attribute is an optional, convenience attribute that is a combination of the classification, categoryMarkings, and/or disseminationControls attributes. This field can be used to easily display the complete banner line marking for the data payload for inclusion in a web UI, document, etc. This attribute should not be used for portion-level markings.

As an example:


Distribution Statement

The distributionStatement attribute (String) identifies legacy distribution statements for technical documents, including research, development, engineering, test, sustainment, and logistics information and serve the purpose to denote the extent to which they are available for secondary distribution, release, and dissementation without additional approvals or authorizations (pursuant to DoDI 5230.24).

Distribution Statements must not be altered in any way from policy and as documented below. Distribution Statement A is only valid for UNCLASSIFIED data. Distribution Statements B, C, D, E, and F may be used with UNCLASSIFIED or CLASSIFIED data. Distribution Statements B, C, D, and E are expressed in a standard format and should not only include the Authorized audience, but the Reason for control, Data of determination, and controlling office (identified as variables in parentheses in the distribution statement).

List of possible values for distributionStatement:

Distribution Statements (with Fill Ins)
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release.
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT B. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies only (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other requests for this document shall be referred to (insert controlling DoD office).
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT C. Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other requests for this document shall be referred to (insert controlling DoD office).
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT D. Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and U.S. DoD contractors only (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other requests shall be referred to (insert controlling DoD office).
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT E. Distribution authorized to DoD Components only (fill in reason) (date of determination). Other requests shall be referred to (insert controlling DoD office).
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT F. Further dissemination only as directed by (inserting controlling DoD office) (date of determination) or higher DoD authority.

Third Party-Imposed Distribution Statements

The 3rdPartyDistributionStatement, 3rdPartyDistributionWarning, and 3rdPartyDistributionContract support additional distribution statements (pursuant to DoDI 5230.24 Enclosure 5) which generally allow contractors to retain ownership of the intellectual property that is embodied in technical data, documents, or information that is delivered or otherwise provided to the Government. If a third party-imposed distribution statement is included in the ISM, the 3rdPartyDistributionWarning and 3rdPartyDistributionContractare both required as well.

Typically, the 3rdPartyDistributionStatement can be defined by five pre-defined distribution statements in the table below; however, in the event that an informal pre-existing marking was authorized under a previous Government contract, that authorized marking should be included as the value for 3rdPartyDistributionStatement.

Third Party-Imposed Distribution Statements
The Government Purpose Rights
Limited Rights
Restricted Rights
Special License Rights
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

When included, the value of 3rdPartyDistributionWarning should always be as follows:

The Government's rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these technical data are restricted by paragraph (b)(2) of the Rights in Technical Data-Noncommercial Items clause contained in the above identified contract.  No restrictions apply after the expiration date shown above.  Any reproduction of technical data or portions thereof marked with this legend must also reproduce markings.

When included, the 3rdPartyDistributionContract is a JSON Object containing four required fields: contractNumber, contractorName, contractorAddress, and expirationDate. See below example:

  "3rdPartyDistributionContract": {
    "contractNumber": "",
    "contractorName": "",
    "contractorAddress": "",
    "expirationDate": ""


The copyright value may be added as a Third Party-Imposed Distribution Statement (pursuant to DoDI 5230.24 Enclosure 5). The specificied format of a copyright value is: Copyright or © followed by [Date] [Copyright Owner].

SCI Controls

The sciControls attribute (Array[String]) identifies one or more sensitive compartmented information control systems.

The possible patterns for sciControls are:

Pattern description
KDK-BLFH-[A-Z0-9]{1,6} KDK-BLFH-xxxxxx, xxxxxx represents up to 6 alphanumeric characters indicating a sub BLUEFISH compartment
KDK-IDIT-[A-Z0-9]{1,6} KDK-IDIT-xxxxxx, xxxxxx represents up to 6 alphanumeric characters indicating a sub IDITAROD compartment
KDK-KAND-[A-Z0-9]{1,6} KDK-KAND-xxxxxx, xxxxxx represents up to 6 alphanumeric characters indicating a sub KANDIK compartment
RSV-[A-Z0-9]{3} RSV-XXX, XXX represents 3 alpha numeric characters to indicate sub Reserve compartments
SI-G-[A-Z]{4} G-AAAA, AAAA represents 4 alpha characters to indicate sub Gamma compartments
SI-[A-Z]{3}-[A-Z]{4} SPECIAL INTELLIGENCE sub-compartment

The possible values for sciControls are:

Value Description


  "sciControls": [

SAR Identifiers

The sarIdentifiers attribute (Array[String]) identifies one or more defense or intelligence programs for which special access is required.

The possible patterns for sarIdentifiers are:

Pattern Description
[A-Z\s0-9-]{1,100} SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-XXX, the Digraph or Trigraph of the SAR is represented by the XXX
[A-Z]{2,} SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-XXX, the Digraph or Trigraph of the SAR is represented by the XXX
[A-Z]{2,}-[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+ SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-XXX, the Digraph or Trigraph of the SAR is represented by the XXX
[A-Z]{2,}-[A-Z][A-Z0-9]+-[A-Z0-9]{2,} SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-XXX, the Digraph or Trigraph of the SAR is represented by the XXX

Atomic Energy Markings

The atomicEnergyMarkings attribute (Array[String]) identifies one or more Department of Energy (DoE) markings.

The possible patterns for atomicEnergyMarkings are:

Pattern Description
RD-SG-((14)|(15)|(18)|(20)) RD-SIGMA-#, # represents the SIGMA number which may be 14, 15, 18, or 20
FRD-SG-((14)|(15)|(18)|(20)) FRD-SIGMA-#, # represents the SIGMA number which may be 14, 15, 18, or 20

The possible values for atomicEnergyMarkings are:

Value Description

Display Only To

The displayOnlyTo attribute (Array[String]) identifies one or more countries and/or international organizations to which classified information may be displayed but NOT released based on the determination of an originator in accordance with established foreign disclosure procedures. This attribute is used in conjunction with the DISPLAYONLY value of the disseminationControls attribute.

The possible patterns for displayOnlyTo are:

Pattern description
NATO/[a-zA-Z-_] North Atlantic Treaty Organization Special Words

The possible values for displayOnlyTo are:

Value Description
USA United States
ABW Aruba
AFG Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
AGO Republic of Angola
AIA Anguilla
ALB Republic of Albania
AND Principality of Andorra
ARE United Arab Emirates
ARG Argentine Republic
ARM Republic of Armenia
ASM Territory of American Samoa
ATA Antarctica
ATF French Southern and Antarctic Lands
ATG Antigua and Barbuda
AUS Commonwealth of Australia
AUT Republic of Austria
AX2 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
AZE Republic of Azerbaijan
BDI Republic of Burundi
BEL Kingdom of Belgium
BEN Republic of Benin
BES Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba
BFA Burkina Faso
BGD People's Republic of Bangladesh
BGR Republic of Bulgaria
BHR Kingdom of Bahrain
BHS Commonwealth of The Bahamas
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
BLM Saint Barthelemy
BLR Republic of Belarus
BLZ Belize
BMU Bermuda
BOL Plurinational State of Bolivia
BRA Federative Republic of Brazil
BRB Barbados
BRN Brunei Darussalam
BTN Kingdom of Bhutan
BVT Bouvet Island
BWA Republic of Botswana
CAF Central African Republic
CAN Canada
CCK Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CHE Swiss Confederation
CHL Republic of Chile
CHN People's Republic of China
CIV Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
CMR Republic of Cameroon
COD Democratic Republic of the Congo
COG Republic of the Congo
COK Cook Islands
COL Republic of Colombia
COM Union of the Comoros
CPT Clipperton Island
CPV Republic of Cape Verde
CRI Republic of Costa Rica
CUB Republic of Cuba
CUW Curaçao
CXR Territory of Christmas Island
CYM Cayman Islands
CYP Republic of Cyprus
CZE Czech Republic
DEU Federal Republic of Germany
DGA Diego Garcia
DJI Republic of Djibouti
DMA Commonwealth of Dominica
DNK Kingdom of Denmark
DOM Dominican Republic
DZA People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
ECU Republic of Ecuador
EGY Arab Republic of Egypt
ERI State of Eritrea
ESH Western Sahara
ESP Kingdom of Spain
EST Republic of Estonia
ETH Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
FIN Republic of Finland
FJI Republic of Fiji
FLK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
FRA French Republic
FRO Faroe Islands
FSM Federated States of Micronesia
GAB Gabonese Republic
GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GEO Georgia
GGY Bailiwick of Guernsey
GHA Republic of Ghana
GIB Gibraltar
GIN Republic of Guinea
GLP Department of Guadeloupe
GMB Republic of The Gambia
GNB Republic of Guinea-Bissau
GNQ Republic of Equatorial Guinea
GRC Hellenic Republic
GRD Grenada
GRL Greenland
GTM Republic of Guatemala
GUF Department of Guiana
GUM Territory of Guam
GUY Co-operative Republic of Guyana
HKG Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
HMD Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HND Republic of Honduras
HRV Republic of Croatia
HTI Republic of Haiti
HUN Hungary
IDN Republic of Indonesia
IMN Isle of Man
IND Republic of India
IOT British Indian Ocean Territory
IRL Ireland
IRN Islamic Republic of Iran
IRQ Republic of Iraq
ISL Republic of Iceland
ISR State of Israel
ITA Italian Republic
JAM Jamaica
JEY Bailiwick of Jersey
JOR Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
JPN Japan
KAZ Republic of Kazakhstan
KEN Republic of Kenya
KGZ Kyrgyz Republic
KHM Kingdom of Cambodia
KIR Republic of Kiribati
KNA Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
KOR Republic of Korea
KWT State of Kuwait
LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic
LBN Lebanese Republic
LBR Republic of Liberia
LBY Libya
LCA Saint Lucia
LIE Principality of Liechtenstein
LKA Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
LSO Kingdom of Lesotho
LTU Republic of Lithuania
LUX Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
LVA Republic of Latvia
MAC Macau Special Administrative Region
MAF Saint Martin
MAR Kingdom of Morocco
MCO Principality of Monaco
MDA Republic of Moldova
MDG Republic of Madagascar
MDV Republic of Maldives
MEX United Mexican States
MHL Republic of the Marshall Islands
MKD Republic of Macedonia
MLI Republic of Mali
MLT Republic of Malta
MMR Union of Burma
MNE Montenegro
MNG Mongolia
MNP Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
MOZ Republic of Mozambique
MRT Islamic Republic of Mauritania
MSR Montserrat
MTQ Department of Martinique
MUS Republic of Mauritius
MWI Republic of Malawi
MYS Malaysia
MYT Department of Mayotte
NAM Republic of Namibia
NCL New Caledonia
NER Republic of the Niger
NFK Territory of Norfolk Island
NGA Federal Republic of Nigeria
NIC Republic of Nicaragua
NIU Niue
NLD Kingdom of the Netherlands
NOR Kingdom of Norway
NPL Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
NRU Republic of Nauru
NZL New Zealand
OMN Sultanate of Oman
PAK Islamic Republic of Pakistan
PAN Republic of Panama
PCN Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Islands
PER Republic of Peru
PHL Republic of the Philippines
PLW Republic of Palau
PNG Independent State of Papua New Guinea
POL Republic of Poland
PRI Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
PRT Portuguese Republic
PRY Republic of Paraguay
PSE Palestinian Territory
PYF French Polynesia
QAT State of Qatar
REU Department of Reunion
ROU Romania
RUS Russian Federation
RWA Republic of Rwanda
SAU Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
SDN Republic of the Sudan
SEN Republic of Senegal
SGP Republic of Singapore
SGS South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
SHN Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha
SLB Solomon Islands
SLE Republic of Sierra Leone
SLV Republic of El Salvador
SMR Republic of San Marino
SOM Somalia, Federal Republic of
SPM Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
SRB Republic of Serbia
SSD Republic of South Sudan
STP Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
SUR Republic of Suriname
SVK Slovak Republic
SVN Republic of Slovenia
SWE Kingdom of Sweden
SWZ Kingdom of Swaziland
SXM Sint Maarten
SYC Republic of Seychelles
SYR Syrian Arab Republic
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TCD Republic of Chad
TGO Togolese Republic
THA Kingdom of Thailand
TJK Republic of Tajikistan
TKL Tokelau
TKM Turkmenistan
TLS Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
TON Kingdom of Tonga
TTO Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Tunisian Republic
TUR Republic of Turkey
TUV Tuvalu
TWN Taiwan
TZA United Republic of Tanzania
UGA Republic of Uganda
UKR Ukraine
URY Oriental Republic of Uruguay
UZB Republic of Uzbekistan
VAT State of the Vatican City
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VEN Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
VGB Virgin Islands, British
VIR United States Virgin Islands
VNM Socialist Republic of Vietnam
VUT Republic of Vanuatu
WLF Wallis and Futuna
WSM Independent State of Samoa
XAC Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands
XAZ Entity 1
XBI Bassas da India
XBK Baker Island
XCR Entity 2
XCS Coral Sea Islands Territory
XCY Entity 3
XEU Europa Island
XGL Glorioso Islands
XGZ Gaza Strip
XHO Howland Island
XJA Johnston Atoll
XJM Jan Mayen
XJN Juan de Nova Island
XJV Jarvis Island
XKM Entity 4
XKN Entity 5
XKR Kingman Reef
XKS Republic of Kosovo
XMW Midway Islands
XNV Navassa Island
XPL Palmyra Atoll
XPR Paracel Islands
XQP Etorofu, Habomai, Kunashiri, and Shikotan Islands
XQZ Akrotiri
XSP Spratly Islands
XSV Svalbard
XTR Tromelin Island
XWB West Bank
XWK Wake Island
XXD Dhekelia
XXX No Man's Land
YEM Republic of Yemen
ZAF Republic of South Africa
ZMB Republic of Zambia
ZWE Republic of Zimbabwe
APFS Suppressed
BWCS Biological Weapons Convention States
CFCK ROK/US Combined Forces Command, Korea
CMFC Combined Maritime Forces Central
CMFP Cooperative Maritime Forces Pacific
CPMT Civilian Protection Monitoring Team for Sudan
CTOC Countering Transnational Organized Crime
CWCS Chemical Weapons Convention States
GCTF Global Counter-Terrorism Forces
GMIF Global Maritime Interception Forces
ISAF International Security Assistance Force for Afghanistan
KFOR Stabilization Forces in Kosovo
MLEC Multi-Lateral Enduring Contingency
NACT North African Counter-Terrorism Forces
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCFE NATO Convention Armed Forces in Europe
OSTY Open Skies Treaty
SPAA Suppressed
UNCK United Nations Command, Korea

FGI Source Open

The fgiSourceOpen attribute (Array[String]) identifies information which qualifies as foreign government information for which the source(s) of the information is not concealed.

The possible patterns for fgiSourceOpen are:

Pattern description
NATO/[a-zA-Z-_] North Atlantic Treaty Organization Special Words

The possible values for fgiSourceOpen are:

Value Description
ABW Aruba
AFG Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
AGO Republic of Angola
AIA Anguilla
ALB Republic of Albania
AND Principality of Andorra
ARE United Arab Emirates
ARG Argentine Republic
ARM Republic of Armenia
ASM Territory of American Samoa
ATA Antarctica
ATF French Southern and Antarctic Lands
ATG Antigua and Barbuda
AUS Commonwealth of Australia
AUT Republic of Austria
AX1 Unknown
AX2 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
AZE Republic of Azerbaijan
BDI Republic of Burundi
BEL Kingdom of Belgium
BEN Republic of Benin
BES Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba
BFA Burkina Faso
BGD People's Republic of Bangladesh
BGR Republic of Bulgaria
BHR Kingdom of Bahrain
BHS Commonwealth of The Bahamas
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
BLM Saint Barthelemy
BLR Republic of Belarus
BLZ Belize
BMU Bermuda
BOL Plurinational State of Bolivia
BRA Federative Republic of Brazil
BRB Barbados
BRN Brunei Darussalam
BTN Kingdom of Bhutan
BVT Bouvet Island
BWA Republic of Botswana
CAF Central African Republic
CAN Canada
CCK Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CHE Swiss Confederation
CHL Republic of Chile
CHN People's Republic of China
CIV Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
CMR Republic of Cameroon
COD Democratic Republic of the Congo
COG Republic of the Congo
COK Cook Islands
COL Republic of Colombia
COM Union of the Comoros
CPT Clipperton Island
CPV Republic of Cape Verde
CRI Republic of Costa Rica
CUB Republic of Cuba
CUW Curaçao
CXR Territory of Christmas Island
CYM Cayman Islands
CYP Republic of Cyprus
CZE Czech Republic
DEU Federal Republic of Germany
DGA Diego Garcia
DJI Republic of Djibouti
DMA Commonwealth of Dominica
DNK Kingdom of Denmark
DOM Dominican Republic
DZA People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
ECU Republic of Ecuador
EGY Arab Republic of Egypt
ERI State of Eritrea
ESH Western Sahara
ESP Kingdom of Spain
EST Republic of Estonia
ETH Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
FIN Republic of Finland
FJI Republic of Fiji
FLK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
FRA French Republic
FRO Faroe Islands
FSM Federated States of Micronesia
GAB Gabonese Republic
GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GEO Georgia
GGY Bailiwick of Guernsey
GHA Republic of Ghana
GIB Gibraltar
GIN Republic of Guinea
GLP Department of Guadeloupe
GMB Republic of The Gambia
GNB Republic of Guinea-Bissau
GNQ Republic of Equatorial Guinea
GRC Hellenic Republic
GRD Grenada
GRL Greenland
GTM Republic of Guatemala
GUF Department of Guiana
GUM Territory of Guam
GUY Co-operative Republic of Guyana
HKG Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
HMD Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HND Republic of Honduras
HRV Republic of Croatia
HTI Republic of Haiti
HUN Hungary
IDN Republic of Indonesia
IMN Isle of Man
IND Republic of India
IOT British Indian Ocean Territory
IRL Ireland
IRN Islamic Republic of Iran
IRQ Republic of Iraq
ISL Republic of Iceland
ISR State of Israel
ITA Italian Republic
JAM Jamaica
JEY Bailiwick of Jersey
JOR Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
JPN Japan
KAZ Republic of Kazakhstan
KEN Republic of Kenya
KGZ Kyrgyz Republic
KHM Kingdom of Cambodia
KIR Republic of Kiribati
KNA Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
KOR Republic of Korea
KWT State of Kuwait
LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic
LBN Lebanese Republic
LBR Republic of Liberia
LBY Libya
LCA Saint Lucia
LIE Principality of Liechtenstein
LKA Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
LSO Kingdom of Lesotho
LTU Republic of Lithuania
LUX Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
LVA Republic of Latvia
MAC Macau Special Administrative Region
MAF Saint Martin
MAR Kingdom of Morocco
MCO Principality of Monaco
MDA Republic of Moldova
MDG Republic of Madagascar
MDV Republic of Maldives
MEX United Mexican States
MHL Republic of the Marshall Islands
MKD Republic of Macedonia
MLI Republic of Mali
MLT Republic of Malta
MMR Union of Burma
MNE Montenegro
MNG Mongolia
MNP Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
MOZ Republic of Mozambique
MRT Islamic Republic of Mauritania
MSR Montserrat
MTQ Department of Martinique
MUS Republic of Mauritius
MWI Republic of Malawi
MYS Malaysia
MYT Department of Mayotte
NAM Republic of Namibia
NCL New Caledonia
NER Republic of the Niger
NFK Territory of Norfolk Island
NGA Federal Republic of Nigeria
NIC Republic of Nicaragua
NIU Niue
NLD Kingdom of the Netherlands
NOR Kingdom of Norway
NPL Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
NRU Republic of Nauru
NZL New Zealand
OMN Sultanate of Oman
PAK Islamic Republic of Pakistan
PAN Republic of Panama
PCN Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Islands
PER Republic of Peru
PHL Republic of the Philippines
PLW Republic of Palau
PNG Independent State of Papua New Guinea
POL Republic of Poland
PRI Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
PRT Portuguese Republic
PRY Republic of Paraguay
PSE Palestinian Territory
PYF French Polynesia
QAT State of Qatar
REU Department of Reunion
ROU Romania
RUS Russian Federation
RWA Republic of Rwanda
SAU Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
SDN Republic of the Sudan
SEN Republic of Senegal
SGP Republic of Singapore
SGS South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
SHN Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha
SLB Solomon Islands
SLE Republic of Sierra Leone
SLV Republic of El Salvador
SMR Republic of San Marino
SOM Somalia, Federal Republic of
SPM Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
SRB Republic of Serbia
SSD Republic of South Sudan
STP Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
SUR Republic of Suriname
SVK Slovak Republic
SVN Republic of Slovenia
SWE Kingdom of Sweden
SWZ Kingdom of Swaziland
SXM Sint Maarten
SYC Republic of Seychelles
SYR Syrian Arab Republic
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TCD Republic of Chad
TGO Togolese Republic
THA Kingdom of Thailand
TJK Republic of Tajikistan
TKL Tokelau
TKM Turkmenistan
TLS Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
TON Kingdom of Tonga
TTO Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Tunisian Republic
TUR Republic of Turkey
TUV Tuvalu
TWN Taiwan
TZA United Republic of Tanzania
UGA Republic of Uganda
UKR Ukraine
URY Oriental Republic of Uruguay
UZB Republic of Uzbekistan
VAT State of the Vatican City
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VEN Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
VGB Virgin Islands, British
VIR United States Virgin Islands
VNM Socialist Republic of Vietnam
VUT Republic of Vanuatu
WLF Wallis and Futuna
WSM Independent State of Samoa
XAC Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands
XAZ Entity 1
XBI Bassas da India
XBK Baker Island
XCR Entity 2
XCS Coral Sea Islands Territory
XCY Entity 3
XEU Europa Island
XGL Glorioso Islands
XGZ Gaza Strip
XHO Howland Island
XJA Johnston Atoll
XJM Jan Mayen
XJN Juan de Nova Island
XJV Jarvis Island
XKM Entity 4
XKN Entity 5
XKR Kingman Reef
XKS Republic of Kosovo
XMW Midway Islands
XNV Navassa Island
XPL Palmyra Atoll
XPR Paracel Islands
XQP Etorofu, Habomai, Kunashiri, and Shikotan Islands
XQZ Akrotiri
XSP Spratly Islands
XSV Svalbard
XTR Tromelin Island
XWB West Bank
XWK Wake Island
XXD Dhekelia
XXX No Man's Land
YEM Republic of Yemen
ZAF Republic of South Africa
ZMB Republic of Zambia
ZWE Republic of Zimbabwe
APFS Suppressed
BWCS Biological Weapons Convention States
CFCK ROK/US Combined Forces Command, Korea
CMFC Combined Maritime Forces Central
CMFP Cooperative Maritime Forces Pacific
CPMT Civilian Protection Monitoring Team for Sudan
CTOC Countering Transnational Organized Crime
CWCS Chemical Weapons Convention States
GCTF Global Counter-Terrorism Forces
GMIF Global Maritime Interception Forces
ISAF International Security Assistance Force for Afghanistan
KFOR Stabilization Forces in Kosovo
MLEC Multi-Lateral Enduring Contingency
NACT North African Counter-Terrorism Forces
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCFE NATO Convention Armed Forces in Europe
OSTY Open Skies Treaty
SPAA Suppressed
UNCK United Nations Command, Korea

FGI Source Protected

The fgiSourceProtected attribute (Array[String]) has unique specific rules concerning its usage. A single indicator that information qualifies as foreign government information for which the source(s) of the information must be concealed. Within protected internal organizational spaces this element may be used to maintain a record of the one or more indicators identifying information which qualifies as foreign government information for which the source(s) of the information must be concealed. Measures must be taken prior to dissemination of the information to conceal the source(s) of the foreign government information. An indication that information qualifies as foreign government information according to CAPCO guidelines for which the source(s) of the information must be concealed when the information is disseminated in shared spaces This data element has a dual purpose. Within shared spaces, the data element serves only to indicate the presence of information which is categorized as foreign government information according to CAPCO guidelines for which the source(s) of the information is concealed, in which case, this data element's value will always be FGI. The data element may also be employed in this manner within protected internal organizational spaces. However, within protected internal organizational spaces this data element may alternatively be used to maintain a formal record of the foreign country or countries and/or registered international organization(s) that are the non-disclosable owner(s) and/or producer(s) of information which is categorized as foreign government information according to CAPCO guidelines for which the source(s) of the information must be concealed when the resource is disseminated to shared spaces. If the data element is employed in this manner, then additional measures must be taken prior to dissemination of the resource to shared spaces so that any indications of the non-disclosable owner(s) and/or producer(s) of information within the resource are eliminated. In all cases, the corresponding portion marking or banner marking should be compliant with CAPCO guidelines for FGI when the source must be concealed. In other words, even if the data element is being employed within protected internal organizational spaces to maintain a formal record of the non-disclosable owner(s) and/or producer(s), if the resource is rendered for display within the protected internal organizational spaces in any format by a stylesheet or as a result of any other transformation process, then the non-disclosable owner(s) and/or producer(s) should not be included in the corresponding portion marking or banner marking.

The possible patterns for fgiSourceProtected are:

Pattern description
NATO/[a-zA-Z-_] North Atlantic Treaty Organization Special Words

The possible values for fgiSourceProtected are:

Value Description
FGI Foreign Government Information
ABW Aruba
AFG Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
AGO Republic of Angola
AIA Anguilla
ALB Republic of Albania
AND Principality of Andorra
ARE United Arab Emirates
ARG Argentine Republic
ARM Republic of Armenia
ASM Territory of American Samoa
ATA Antarctica
ATF French Southern and Antarctic Lands
ATG Antigua and Barbuda
AUS Commonwealth of Australia
AUT Republic of Austria
AX2 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
AZE Republic of Azerbaijan
BDI Republic of Burundi
BEL Kingdom of Belgium
BEN Republic of Benin
BES Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba
BFA Burkina Faso
BGD People's Republic of Bangladesh
BGR Republic of Bulgaria
BHR Kingdom of Bahrain
BHS Commonwealth of The Bahamas
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
BLM Saint Barthelemy
BLR Republic of Belarus
BLZ Belize
BMU Bermuda
BOL Plurinational State of Bolivia
BRA Federative Republic of Brazil
BRB Barbados
BRN Brunei Darussalam
BTN Kingdom of Bhutan
BVT Bouvet Island
BWA Republic of Botswana
CAF Central African Republic
CAN Canada
CCK Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CHE Swiss Confederation
CHL Republic of Chile
CHN People's Republic of China
CIV Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
CMR Republic of Cameroon
COD Democratic Republic of the Congo
COG Republic of the Congo
COK Cook Islands
COL Republic of Colombia
COM Union of the Comoros
CPT Clipperton Island
CPV Republic of Cape Verde
CRI Republic of Costa Rica
CUB Republic of Cuba
CUW Curaçao
CXR Territory of Christmas Island
CYM Cayman Islands
CYP Republic of Cyprus
CZE Czech Republic
DEU Federal Republic of Germany
DGA Diego Garcia
DJI Republic of Djibouti
DMA Commonwealth of Dominica
DNK Kingdom of Denmark
DOM Dominican Republic
DZA People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
ECU Republic of Ecuador
EGY Arab Republic of Egypt
ERI State of Eritrea
ESH Western Sahara
ESP Kingdom of Spain
EST Republic of Estonia
ETH Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
FIN Republic of Finland
FJI Republic of Fiji
FLK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
FRA French Republic
FRO Faroe Islands
FSM Federated States of Micronesia
GAB Gabonese Republic
GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GEO Georgia
GGY Bailiwick of Guernsey
GHA Republic of Ghana
GIB Gibraltar
GIN Republic of Guinea
GLP Department of Guadeloupe
GMB Republic of The Gambia
GNB Republic of Guinea-Bissau
GNQ Republic of Equatorial Guinea
GRC Hellenic Republic
GRD Grenada
GRL Greenland
GTM Republic of Guatemala
GUF Department of Guiana
GUM Territory of Guam
GUY Co-operative Republic of Guyana
HKG Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
HMD Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HND Republic of Honduras
HRV Republic of Croatia
HTI Republic of Haiti
HUN Hungary
IDN Republic of Indonesia
IMN Isle of Man
IND Republic of India
IOT British Indian Ocean Territory
IRL Ireland
IRN Islamic Republic of Iran
IRQ Republic of Iraq
ISL Republic of Iceland
ISR State of Israel
ITA Italian Republic
JAM Jamaica
JEY Bailiwick of Jersey
JOR Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
JPN Japan
KAZ Republic of Kazakhstan
KEN Republic of Kenya
KGZ Kyrgyz Republic
KHM Kingdom of Cambodia
KIR Republic of Kiribati
KNA Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
KOR Republic of Korea
KWT State of Kuwait
LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic
LBN Lebanese Republic
LBR Republic of Liberia
LBY Libya
LCA Saint Lucia
LIE Principality of Liechtenstein
LKA Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
LSO Kingdom of Lesotho
LTU Republic of Lithuania
LUX Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
LVA Republic of Latvia
MAC Macau Special Administrative Region
MAF Saint Martin
MAR Kingdom of Morocco
MCO Principality of Monaco
MDA Republic of Moldova
MDG Republic of Madagascar
MDV Republic of Maldives
MEX United Mexican States
MHL Republic of the Marshall Islands
MKD Republic of Macedonia
MLI Republic of Mali
MLT Republic of Malta
MMR Union of Burma
MNE Montenegro
MNG Mongolia
MNP Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
MOZ Republic of Mozambique
MRT Islamic Republic of Mauritania
MSR Montserrat
MTQ Department of Martinique
MUS Republic of Mauritius
MWI Republic of Malawi
MYS Malaysia
MYT Department of Mayotte
NAM Republic of Namibia
NCL New Caledonia
NER Republic of the Niger
NFK Territory of Norfolk Island
NGA Federal Republic of Nigeria
NIC Republic of Nicaragua
NIU Niue
NLD Kingdom of the Netherlands
NOR Kingdom of Norway
NPL Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
NRU Republic of Nauru
NZL New Zealand
OMN Sultanate of Oman
PAK Islamic Republic of Pakistan
PAN Republic of Panama
PCN Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Islands
PER Republic of Peru
PHL Republic of the Philippines
PLW Republic of Palau
PNG Independent State of Papua New Guinea
POL Republic of Poland
PRI Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
PRT Portuguese Republic
PRY Republic of Paraguay
PSE Palestinian Territory
PYF French Polynesia
QAT State of Qatar
REU Department of Reunion
ROU Romania
RUS Russian Federation
RWA Republic of Rwanda
SAU Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
SDN Republic of the Sudan
SEN Republic of Senegal
SGP Republic of Singapore
SGS South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
SHN Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha
SLB Solomon Islands
SLE Republic of Sierra Leone
SLV Republic of El Salvador
SMR Republic of San Marino
SOM Somalia, Federal Republic of
SPM Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
SRB Republic of Serbia
SSD Republic of South Sudan
STP Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
SUR Republic of Suriname
SVK Slovak Republic
SVN Republic of Slovenia
SWE Kingdom of Sweden
SWZ Kingdom of Swaziland
SXM Sint Maarten
SYC Republic of Seychelles
SYR Syrian Arab Republic
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TCD Republic of Chad
TGO Togolese Republic
THA Kingdom of Thailand
TJK Republic of Tajikistan
TKL Tokelau
TKM Turkmenistan
TLS Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
TON Kingdom of Tonga
TTO Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Tunisian Republic
TUR Republic of Turkey
TUV Tuvalu
TWN Taiwan
TZA United Republic of Tanzania
UGA Republic of Uganda
UKR Ukraine
URY Oriental Republic of Uruguay
UZB Republic of Uzbekistan
VAT State of the Vatican City
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VEN Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
VGB Virgin Islands, British
VIR United States Virgin Islands
VNM Socialist Republic of Vietnam
VUT Republic of Vanuatu
WLF Wallis and Futuna
WSM Independent State of Samoa
XAC Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands
XAZ Entity 1
XBI Bassas da India
XBK Baker Island
XCR Entity 2
XCS Coral Sea Islands Territory
XCY Entity 3
XEU Europa Island
XGL Glorioso Islands
XGZ Gaza Strip
XHO Howland Island
XJA Johnston Atoll
XJM Jan Mayen
XJN Juan de Nova Island
XJV Jarvis Island
XKM Entity 4
XKN Entity 5
XKR Kingman Reef
XKS Republic of Kosovo
XMW Midway Islands
XNV Navassa Island
XPL Palmyra Atoll
XPR Paracel Islands
XQP Etorofu, Habomai, Kunashiri, and Shikotan Islands
XQZ Akrotiri
XSP Spratly Islands
XSV Svalbard
XTR Tromelin Island
XWB West Bank
XWK Wake Island
XXD Dhekelia
XXX No Man's Land
YEM Republic of Yemen
ZAF Republic of South Africa
ZMB Republic of Zambia
ZWE Republic of Zimbabwe
APFS Suppressed
BWCS Biological Weapons Convention States
CFCK ROK/US Combined Forces Command, Korea
CMFC Combined Maritime Forces Central
CMFP Cooperative Maritime Forces Pacific
CPMT Civilian Protection Monitoring Team for Sudan
CTOC Countering Transnational Organized Crime
CWCS Chemical Weapons Convention States
GCTF Global Counter-Terrorism Forces
GMIF Global Maritime Interception Forces
ISAF International Security Assistance Force for Afghanistan
KFOR Stabilization Forces in Kosovo
MLEC Multi-Lateral Enduring Contingency
NACT North African Counter-Terrorism Forces
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCFE NATO Convention Armed Forces in Europe
OSTY Open Skies Treaty
SPAA Suppressed
UNCK United Nations Command, Korea

Releasable To

The releasableTo attribute (Array[String]) identifies one or more countries and/or international organizations to which classified information may be released based on the determination of an originator in accordance with established foreign disclosure procedures. This attribute is used in conjunction with the disseminationControls attribute.

The possible patterns for releasableTo are:

Pattern description
NATO/[a-zA-Z-_] North Atlantic Treaty Organization Special Words

The possible values for releasableTo are:

Value Description
USA United States
ABW Aruba
AFG Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
AGO Republic of Angola
AIA Anguilla
ALB Republic of Albania
AND Principality of Andorra
ARE United Arab Emirates
ARG Argentine Republic
ARM Republic of Armenia
ASM Territory of American Samoa
ATA Antarctica
ATF French Southern and Antarctic Lands
ATG Antigua and Barbuda
AUS Commonwealth of Australia
AUT Republic of Austria
AX2 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
AZE Republic of Azerbaijan
BDI Republic of Burundi
BEL Kingdom of Belgium
BEN Republic of Benin
BES Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba
BFA Burkina Faso
BGD People's Republic of Bangladesh
BGR Republic of Bulgaria
BHR Kingdom of Bahrain
BHS Commonwealth of The Bahamas
BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
BLM Saint Barthelemy
BLR Republic of Belarus
BLZ Belize
BMU Bermuda
BOL Plurinational State of Bolivia
BRA Federative Republic of Brazil
BRB Barbados
BRN Brunei Darussalam
BTN Kingdom of Bhutan
BVT Bouvet Island
BWA Republic of Botswana
CAF Central African Republic
CAN Canada
CCK Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands
CHE Swiss Confederation
CHL Republic of Chile
CHN People's Republic of China
CIV Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
CMR Republic of Cameroon
COD Democratic Republic of the Congo
COG Republic of the Congo
COK Cook Islands
COL Republic of Colombia
COM Union of the Comoros
CPT Clipperton Island
CPV Republic of Cape Verde
CRI Republic of Costa Rica
CUB Republic of Cuba
CUW Curaçao
CXR Territory of Christmas Island
CYM Cayman Islands
CYP Republic of Cyprus
CZE Czech Republic
DEU Federal Republic of Germany
DGA Diego Garcia
DJI Republic of Djibouti
DMA Commonwealth of Dominica
DNK Kingdom of Denmark
DOM Dominican Republic
DZA People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
ECU Republic of Ecuador
EGY Arab Republic of Egypt
ERI State of Eritrea
ESH Western Sahara
ESP Kingdom of Spain
EST Republic of Estonia
ETH Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
FIN Republic of Finland
FJI Republic of Fiji
FLK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
FRA French Republic
FRO Faroe Islands
FSM Federated States of Micronesia
GAB Gabonese Republic
GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GEO Georgia
GGY Bailiwick of Guernsey
GHA Republic of Ghana
GIB Gibraltar
GIN Republic of Guinea
GLP Department of Guadeloupe
GMB Republic of The Gambia
GNB Republic of Guinea-Bissau
GNQ Republic of Equatorial Guinea
GRC Hellenic Republic
GRD Grenada
GRL Greenland
GTM Republic of Guatemala
GUF Department of Guiana
GUM Territory of Guam
GUY Co-operative Republic of Guyana
HKG Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
HMD Territory of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
HND Republic of Honduras
HRV Republic of Croatia
HTI Republic of Haiti
HUN Hungary
IDN Republic of Indonesia
IMN Isle of Man
IND Republic of India
IOT British Indian Ocean Territory
IRL Ireland
IRN Islamic Republic of Iran
IRQ Republic of Iraq
ISL Republic of Iceland
ISR State of Israel
ITA Italian Republic
JAM Jamaica
JEY Bailiwick of Jersey
JOR Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
JPN Japan
KAZ Republic of Kazakhstan
KEN Republic of Kenya
KGZ Kyrgyz Republic
KHM Kingdom of Cambodia
KIR Republic of Kiribati
KNA Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
KOR Republic of Korea
KWT State of Kuwait
LAO Lao People's Democratic Republic
LBN Lebanese Republic
LBR Republic of Liberia
LBY Libya
LCA Saint Lucia
LIE Principality of Liechtenstein
LKA Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
LSO Kingdom of Lesotho
LTU Republic of Lithuania
LUX Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
LVA Republic of Latvia
MAC Macau Special Administrative Region
MAF Saint Martin
MAR Kingdom of Morocco
MCO Principality of Monaco
MDA Republic of Moldova
MDG Republic of Madagascar
MDV Republic of Maldives
MEX United Mexican States
MHL Republic of the Marshall Islands
MKD Republic of Macedonia
MLI Republic of Mali
MLT Republic of Malta
MMR Union of Burma
MNE Montenegro
MNG Mongolia
MNP Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
MOZ Republic of Mozambique
MRT Islamic Republic of Mauritania
MSR Montserrat
MTQ Department of Martinique
MUS Republic of Mauritius
MWI Republic of Malawi
MYS Malaysia
MYT Department of Mayotte
NAM Republic of Namibia
NCL New Caledonia
NER Republic of the Niger
NFK Territory of Norfolk Island
NGA Federal Republic of Nigeria
NIC Republic of Nicaragua
NIU Niue
NLD Kingdom of the Netherlands
NOR Kingdom of Norway
NPL Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
NRU Republic of Nauru
NZL New Zealand
OMN Sultanate of Oman
PAK Islamic Republic of Pakistan
PAN Republic of Panama
PCN Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno Islands
PER Republic of Peru
PHL Republic of the Philippines
PLW Republic of Palau
PNG Independent State of Papua New Guinea
POL Republic of Poland
PRI Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
PRK Democratic People's Republic of Korea
PRT Portuguese Republic
PRY Republic of Paraguay
PSE Palestinian Territory
PYF French Polynesia
QAT State of Qatar
REU Department of Reunion
ROU Romania
RUS Russian Federation
RWA Republic of Rwanda
SAU Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
SDN Republic of the Sudan
SEN Republic of Senegal
SGP Republic of Singapore
SGS South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
SHN Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha
SLB Solomon Islands
SLE Republic of Sierra Leone
SLV Republic of El Salvador
SMR Republic of San Marino
SOM Somalia, Federal Republic of
SPM Territorial Collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
SRB Republic of Serbia
SSD Republic of South Sudan
STP Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
SUR Republic of Suriname
SVK Slovak Republic
SVN Republic of Slovenia
SWE Kingdom of Sweden
SWZ Kingdom of Swaziland
SXM Sint Maarten
SYC Republic of Seychelles
SYR Syrian Arab Republic
TCA Turks and Caicos Islands
TCD Republic of Chad
TGO Togolese Republic
THA Kingdom of Thailand
TJK Republic of Tajikistan
TKL Tokelau
TKM Turkmenistan
TLS Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
TON Kingdom of Tonga
TTO Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
TUN Tunisian Republic
TUR Republic of Turkey
TUV Tuvalu
TWN Taiwan
TZA United Republic of Tanzania
UGA Republic of Uganda
UKR Ukraine
URY Oriental Republic of Uruguay
UZB Republic of Uzbekistan
VAT State of the Vatican City
VCT Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
VEN Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
VGB Virgin Islands, British
VIR United States Virgin Islands
VNM Socialist Republic of Vietnam
VUT Republic of Vanuatu
WLF Wallis and Futuna
WSM Independent State of Samoa
XAC Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands
XAZ Entity 1
XBI Bassas da India
XBK Baker Island
XCR Entity 2
XCS Coral Sea Islands Territory
XCY Entity 3
XEU Europa Island
XGL Glorioso Islands
XGZ Gaza Strip
XHO Howland Island
XJA Johnston Atoll
XJM Jan Mayen
XJN Juan de Nova Island
XJV Jarvis Island
XKM Entity 4
XKN Entity 5
XKR Kingman Reef
XKS Republic of Kosovo
XMW Midway Islands
XNV Navassa Island
XPL Palmyra Atoll
XPR Paracel Islands
XQP Etorofu, Habomai, Kunashiri, and Shikotan Islands
XQZ Akrotiri
XSP Spratly Islands
XSV Svalbard
XTR Tromelin Island
XWB West Bank
XWK Wake Island
XXD Dhekelia
XXX No Man's Land
YEM Republic of Yemen
ZAF Republic of South Africa
ZMB Republic of Zambia
ZWE Republic of Zimbabwe
APFS Suppressed
BWCS Biological Weapons Convention States
CFCK ROK/US Combined Forces Command, Korea
CMFC Combined Maritime Forces Central
CMFP Cooperative Maritime Forces Pacific
CPMT Civilian Protection Monitoring Team for Sudan
CTOC Countering Transnational Organized Crime
CWCS Chemical Weapons Convention States
GCTF Global Counter-Terrorism Forces
GMIF Global Maritime Interception Forces
ISAF International Security Assistance Force for Afghanistan
KFOR Stabilization Forces in Kosovo
MLEC Multi-Lateral Enduring Contingency
NACT North African Counter-Terrorism Forces
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NCFE NATO Convention Armed Forces in Europe
OSTY Open Skies Treaty
SPAA Suppressed
UNCK United Nations Command, Korea

Releasable to Government and/or Contractors

The releasableToGovtAndContractors attribute (Array[String]) identifies one or more individual government officials or government contractors to which classified information may be released based on the determination of an originator in accordance with established foreign disclosure procedures. This attribute is used in conjunction with the disseminationControls and distributionStatement attributes.

Non-IC Markings

The nonICmarkings attribute (Array[String]) identifies one or more indicators for expanding or limiting the distribution of information originating from non-intelligence components.

The possible patterns for nonICmarkings are:

Pattern Description
ACCM-[A-Z0-9-_]{1,61} The name of the ALTERNATE COMPENSATORY CONTROL MEASURE, substituting "_" for a space

The possible values for nonICmarkings are:

Value Description

Classified By

The classifiedBy attribute (String) is used primarily at the resource level. The identity, by name or personal identifier, and position title of the original classification authority for a resource. It is manifested only in the 'Classified By' line of a resource's classification authority block.

Compilation Reason

The compilationReason attribute (String) is a description of the reasons that the classification of this element is more restrictive than a simple roll-up of the sub elements would result in. This acts as an indicator to rule engines that there is not accidental over classification going on and to users that special care beyond what the portion marks reveal must be taken when using this data. Use of this mark does not replace the need for the compilation reason being defined in the prose in accordance with ISOO Directive 1. For example this would document why 3 Unclassified bullet items form a Secret List. Without this reason being noted the above described document would be considered to be miss-marked and overclassified.

Derivatively Classified By

The derivativelyClassifiedBy attribute (String) is used primarily at the resource level. The identity, by name or personal identifier, of the derivative classification authority. It is manifested only in the 'Classified By' line of a resource's classification authority block.

Classification Reason

The classificationReason attribute (String) is used primarily at the resource level. One or more reason indicators or explanatory text describing the basis for an original classification decision. It is manifested only in the 'Reason' line of a resource's classification authority block.

Non-US Controls

The nonUSControls attribute (Array[String]) identifies one or more indicators for expanding or limiting the distribution of information originating from non-US components.

The possible values for nonUSControls are:

Value Description
ATOMAL NATO Atomal mark
BOHEMIA NATO Bohemia mark
BALK NATO Balk mark

Derived From

The derivedFrom attribute (String) is used primarily at the resource level. A citation of the authoritative source or reference to multiple sources of the classification markings used in a classified resource. It is manifested only in the 'Derived From' line of a document's classification authority block. ISOO's guidance is: Source of derivative classification. (1) The derivative classifier shall concisely identify the source document or the classification guide on the ‘‘Derived From’’ line, including the agency and, where available, the office of origin, and the date of the source or guide. An example might appear as: Derived From: Memo, ‘‘Funding Problems,’’ October 20, 2008, Office of Administration, Department of Good Works or Derived From: CG No. 1, Department of Good Works, dated October 20, 2008 (i) When a document is classified derivatively on the basis of more than one source document or classification guide, the ‘‘Derived From’’ line shall appear as: Derived From: Multiple Sources (ii) The derivative classifier shall include a listing of the source materials on, or attached to, each derivatively classified document.

Declassification Date

The declassDate attribute (Date) is used primarily at the resource level. A specific year, month, and day upon which the information shall be automatically declassified if not properly exempted from automatic declassification. It is manifested in the 'Declassify On' line of a resource's classification authority block.

Declassification Event

The declassEvent attribute (String) is used primarily at the resource level. A description of an event upon which the information shall be automatically declassified if not properly exempted from automatic declassification. It is manifested only in the 'Declassify On' line of a resource's classification authority block.

Declassification Exception

The declassException attribute (String) is used primarily at the resource level. A single indicator describing an exemption to the nominal 25-year point for automatic declassification. This element is used in conjunction with the declassDate or declassEvent. It is manifested in the 'Declassify On' line of a resource's classification authority block. ISOO has stated it should be a SINGLE value giving the longest protection.

The possible values for declassException are:

Value Description
AEA When using a source document that contains portions of Restricted Data (RD) or Formerly Restricted Data (FRD) where the RD/FRD source document(s) do not have declassification instructions, the derivatively classified document shall not contain a declassification date or event on the Declassify On line. The following shall be annotated on the Declassify On line: "Not Applicable or (N/A) to RD/FRD portions" and "See source list for NSI portions" separated by a period. The source list must include the declassification instruction for each of the source documents classified under E.O. 13526 and shall not appear in the classification authority block
NATO Since NATO information is not to be declassified or downgraded without the prior consent of NATO, the “Declassify on” line of documents that commingle information classified by NATO and U.S. classified NSI, will read “N/A to NATO portions. See source list for NSI portions.” The NSI source list will appear beneath the classification authority block in a manner that clearly identifies it as separate and distinct.
NATO-AEA Handles special case of BOTH NATO and AEA as a single exemption.
25X1 Reveal the identity of a confidential human source, a human intelligence source, a relationship with an intelligence or security service of a foreign government or international organization, or a non-human intelligence source; or impair the effectiveness of an intelligence method currently in use, available for use, or under development.
25X1-EO-12951 "25X1, EO 12951" (prescribed by the DNI for use on information described in E.O. 12951, Release of Imagery Acquired by Space-Based National Intelligence Reconnaissance Systems)
25X2 Reveal information that would assist in the development, production, or use of weapons of mass destruction.
25X3 Reveal information that would impair U.S. cryptologic systems or activities.
25X4 Reveal information that would impair the application of state-of-the-art technology within a U.S. weapon system.
25X5 Reveal formally named or numbered U.S. military war plans that remain in effect, or reveal operational or tactical elements of prior plans that are contained in such active plans;
25X6 Reveal information, including foreign government information, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government, or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States
25X7 Reveal information that would impair the current ability of United States Government officials to protect the President, Vice President, and other protectees for whom protection services, in the interest of the national security, are authorized.
25X8 Reveal information that would seriously impair current national security emergency preparedness plans or reveal current vulnerabilities of systems, installations, or infrastructures relating to the national security.
25X9 Violate a statute, treaty, or international agreement that does not permit the automatic or unilateral declassification of information at 25 years.
50X1-HUM When the information clearly and demonstrably could be expected to reveal the identity of a confidential human source or a human intelligence source.
50X1 The ISCAP has authorized use of this code in the FBI’s classification guidance (which results in a 75-year classification period) for any agency sourcing/reusing the information.
50X2-WMD When the information clearly and demonstrably could reveal key design concepts of weapons of mass destruction.
50X6 The ISCAP has authorized use of this code in the FBI’s classification guidance (which results in a 75-year classification period) for any agency sourcing/reusing the information.


JSON Information Security Marking Standard






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