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5. Configuration

Ekaterina Sevashko edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 17 revisions

5.1 - Add an Algorithm


  1. The user is authorized.


  1. Go to Configuration, Algorithms module.
  2. Click on the Add algorithm button.

configuration _ cameras _ empty

  1. Fill in the Algorithm settings form.

configuration _ cameras _ empty (1)

  1. Click on the Done button to save your algorithm.
  2. To start using the algorithm download it by clicking on the download button.

configuration _ cameras _ empty (3)

Potential Faults Check

  1. Incorrect data is entered.
  2. Empty fields.

5.2 - Delete an Algorithm


  1. The user is authorized.


  1. Go to Configuration, Algorithms module.
  2. Click on the delete button for the algorithm you want to delete.

configuration _ cameras _ empty (4)

  1. Confirm deletion.

5.3 Set Up a Camera


  1. The user is authorized.


  1. Go to Configuration, Camera module.
  2. Click on Add camera button.
  3. Select a Camera, enter Username, Password. Click on Test connection button.

Camera settings _ empty

  1. If the entered data is correct, the system displays a photo from the connected camera.
  2. Go to Zones tab.
  3. Click Add zone button.
  4. Enter Zone Name, choose Controlled workplace.
  5. Select a rectangular area to track.
  6. In future versions: Position the corners of the area so that the area covers all the needed space.
  7. Save your zone.
  8. Add another zone. Choose two areas for this zone.

Camera settings _ empty (1)

  1. Go to Algorithms tab.
  2. Choose an algorithm.
  3. Choose one or two custom zones. Full camera must automatically become unselected.
  4. Choose Full camera zone. Custom zones must automatically become unselected.

Camera settings _ scrolled down to algorithms (1)

  1. Save camera settings.

Important Notes:

  1. It is impossible to add a zone while editing another zone. Add zone button becomes clickable only if all other zones are saved.
  2. Full camera and other zones can’t be selected on the same algorithm at the same time.
  3. Few other zones can be selected on the same algorithm at the same time.
  4. Full camera and other zones can intersect:


Current Version: Other zones can intersect:


Future Versions: Other zones can’t intersect:


5.4 - Remove a Camera


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. At least one camera is connected.


  1. Go to Configuration, Camera module.
  2. Click on the bin icon near the camera you want to remove.

configuration _ cameras _ added (1)

  1. Confirm removal.

5.5 - Set up a ERP connection


  1. The user is authorized.


  1. Go to Configuration, ERP connection module.
  2. Click on your ERP Settings button.

configuration _ database _ empty (1)

  1. Fill in Connection settings form.
  2. Save your connection.

Potential Faults Check

  1. Incorrect data is entered.
  2. Empty fields.

5.6 - Disconnect from your ERP


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. A ERP is connected.


  1. Go to Configuration, ERP connection module.
  2. Click on Disconnect button.

configuration _ database _ empty (2)

  1. Confirm disconnection.

5.7 - Set up SMTP server for email notifications


  1. The user is authorized.


  1. Go to Configuration, Email notifications module.
  2. Click on the Settings button.

configuration _ notifications

  1. Enter server, port, username and password, choose email using tls or ssl.

configuration _ smtp

  1. Save server connection.

Potential Faults Check

  1. Incorrect data is entered.
  2. Empty field.
  3. Both checkboxes are empty.

5.8 - Specify the emails that will get notifications about low stock level


  1. The user is authorized.
  2. SMTP server is set up.


  1. Go to Configuration, Notifications module.
  2. Click on Add email button.
  3. Enter email.

configuration _ adding emails

  1. Click on Add email button.
  2. Enter another email.
  3. Edit the first email.
  4. Click on the bin near the second email to delete the email.

Potential Faults Check

  1. Incorrect data is entered.
  2. Empty field.
  3. Specifying emails without setting up an SMTP server.