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Zebra/Quagga RPC communicator to handle Quagga framework from a SDN controller


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Zebra/Quagga RPC communicator


This software implements a daemon to handle Quagga framework from a SDN controller.

Remote Procedure Call term is referred because of underlying mecanisms used by the daemon to be configured, and to configure the Quagga. Currently, 2 main RPC protocols are used:

  • ZRPC uses Thrift RPC-like protocol for being configured.
  • ZRPC uses CAPnProto for configuring

By Quagga framework, it means all signaling protocol implementations from Quagga could be potentially launched, (un)configured, monitored. Currently, BGP daemon is the main focus of this first implementation, since ZRPC offers a thrift interface defined as vpnservice.thrift. This API permits exchanging BGP updates between VPNv4 BGP speakers. Thus permitting to the SDN controller to create dynamically MPLS and VXLAN tunnels between various VTEPs, where some VTEP are located to the Data Center Gateway.

To summarize, ZRPC is kind of bridge between the SDN controller driving it and the various Quagga daemons.

Building ZRPC

To be able to rebuild QBGP, you will need to have several packages. The below description has been tested by using an-Ubuntu(14.04 distribution). Depending on the distribution, either some packages will be available and it is possible to download the associated package without having to compile. Or you will have to compile the package. A script is available on pkgsrc ( pkgsrc/, and is applying the build and installation descriptions mentioned below.

Dependency: Thrift

You will need thrift, especially the thrift_c_glib library. for compilation. The latter solution is describe:

git clone
cd thrift

You will also have to patch the source code.

You will need to install the build dependencies for thrift. The command from the Thrift documentation is:

sudo apt-get install automake bison flex g++ git libboost1.55-all-dev libevent-dev libssl-dev libtool make pkg-config

Then, pursue the procedure:

autoreconf -i
./configure --without-qt4 --without-qt5 --without-csharp --without-java \
--without-erlang --without-nodejs --without-perl --without-python \
--without-php --without-php_extension --without-dart --without-ruby \
--without-haskell --without-go --without-haxe --without-d \
make install

Dependency: ZeroMQ

You will also need to have ZMQ. Here is compilation procedure for ZMQ.

git clone
cd zeromq4-1
git checkout 56b71af22db3
autoreconf -i
./configure --without-libsodium --prefix=/opt/quagga
make install

Dependency: C-capnproto

You will also need to have c-capnproto. Here is compilation and installation procedure for c-capnproto. c-capnproto 0.2 is used, and can be obtained at the following url:

The following procedure is used:

git clone
cd c-capnproto
git checkout c-capnproto-0.2
mkdir -p gtest/googletest && \
autoreconf -fiv && \
./configure --prefix=/opt/quagga --without-gtest
maks install

Dependency: Quagga

You will also need to have Quagga. To compile zrpc, a standard quagga based on quagga 1.1.0 is enough. However, as ZRPC is a qagga framework for SDN controller, some adaptations have been done for quagga too in order to handle queries from ZRPC. That quagga code is at following location:

 git clone
 git checkout quagga_110_mpbgp_capnp

Work is in progress to push to upstream the various series of patches, as indicated below. Other will come, the work is expected to fall in quagga upstream soon.

To compile quagga in order to be used by ZRPC daemon, you will have to define environment variables in order to indicate quagga where to search for libraries and headers. Execute the following on the shell:

export ZEROMQ_CFLAGS="-I/tmp/zeromq4-1/include"
export ZEROMQ_LIBS="-L/tmp/zeromq4-1/.libs/ -lzmq"
export CAPN_C_CFLAGS='-I/tmp/c-capnproto/lib'
export CAPN_C_LIBS='-L/tmp/c-capnproto/.libs/ -lcapnp_c'

You will have to enable zeromq and capnproto services. Perform the following:

cd quagga
autoreconf -i
LIBS='-L/tmp/zeromq4-1/.libs -L/tmp/c-capnproto/.libs/' \
./configure --with-zeromq --with-ccapnproto --prefix=/opt/quagga --enable-user=quagga \
--enable-group=quagga --enable-vty-group=quagga --localstatedir=/opt/quagga/var/run/quagga \
--disable-doc --enable-multipath=64
make install

ZRPC build

Note that as other dependencies, GLIB2 and GOBJECT2 are other packages that need to be available on the platform. No description is done about the availability of those packages. Also, if you are on a Centos distribution, please check that you have the following packages installed: yum install initscripts.x86_64 glib2.x86_64.

To compile zrpc, once the dependencies above resolved, retake the environment settings used to compile quagga, and add the following ones:

export THRIFT_CFLAGS="-I/tmp/thrift/lib/c_glib/src/thrift/c_glib/"
export THRIFT_LIBS="-L/tmp/thrift/lib/c_glib/.libs/ -lthrift_c_glib"
export QUAGGA_CFLAGS='-I/tmp/quagga/lib/'
export QUAGGA_LIBS='-L/tmp/quagga/lib/.libs -lzebra'

perform the following in order to compile zrpc daemon:

git clone
cd zrpcd
autoreconf -i 
LIBS='-L/tmp/zeromq4-1/.libs -L/tmp/c-capnproto -L/tmp/thrift/lib/c_glib/.libs/ \
 -L/tmp/quagga/lib/.libs' ./configure --enable-zrpcd --prefix=/opt/quagga \
 --enable-user=quagga --enable-group=quagga \
 --enable-vty-group=quagga --localstatedir=/opt/quagga/var/run/quagga \
make install
mkdir /opt/quagga/etc/init.d -p
cp pkgsrc/zrpcd.ubuntu /opt/quagga/etc/init.d/zrpcd
echo "hostname bgpd" >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf
echo "password sdncbgpc" >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf
echo "service advanced-vty" >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf
echo "log stdout" >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf
echo "line vty" >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf
echo " exec-timeout 0 0 " >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf
echo "debug bgp " >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf
echo "debug bgp updates" >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf
echo "debug bgp events" >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf
echo "debug bgp fsm" >> /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf

Note that ZRPC can rely on various vpnservice.thrift. It has just to be configured at the compilation level. By default, ZRPC is configured to use L3VPN thrift vpnservice file. If you want to use EVPN thrift vpnservice level, you have to call configure command with --with-thrift-version=2.

Packaging ZRPC

Packaging ZRPC means that you have to rely on 4 packages, namely quagga, zrpc, but also c-capnproto, zmq and thrift. If the two last package are already available in most distribution, this is not the case for the three first ones. This chapter focuses on packaging Quagga, Zrpc, and c-capnproto. To be able to produce deb or rpm packages, you will need to copy some produced files into a file system hierarchy. Once done, a script is given as well as the necessary files to produce the package.

RPM Packaging

RPM packaging applied for suse and centos distribution. Create following file system hierarchy, where bin is the folder where all the package files will be present. Let's assume the root folder where folders are created, is named package and is at following place : /home/packager/packager/.

mkdir rpm
touch ./rpm/.rpm-stamp
mkdir ./rpm/bin
mkdir ./rpm/SPECS
mkdir ./rpm/BUILD
mkdir ./bin
touch ./build-stamp
mkdir output

For each rpm package to produce, rpmbuild command will be used. The rpmbuild command will be the same for each package to produce.

rpmbuild -bb  --define '_topdir /home/packager/packager/rpm/bin' --define \
'_rpmdir /home/packager/packager/output' --define '_rpmfilename \
%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm' --define 'debug_package\
%{nil}' /home/packager/packager/rpm/bin/SPECS/rpm.spec

DEB Packaging

Create following file system hierarchy, where bin is the folder where all the package files will be present. Let's assume the root folder where folders are created, is named package and is at following place : /home/packager/packager/.

mkdir bin
cd bin
mkdir DEBIAN
echo "#!/bin/sh" > prerm
echo "set -e" >> prerm
echo "#!/bin/sh" > postrm
echo "set -e" >> postrm
echo "if [ \"1\" = \"remove\" ]; then" >> postrm
echo "  :" >> postrm
echo "fi" >> postrm
echo "#!/bin/sh" > postinst
echo "set -e" >> postinst
echo "if [ \"1\" = \"configure\" ]; then" >> postinst
echo "  :" >> postinst
echo "fi" >> postinst
mkdir ./rpm/bin
mkdir ./rpm/SPECS
mkdir ./rpm/BUILD
mkdir ./bin
touch ./build-stamp
mkdir output

For each deb package to produce, dpkg-deb will be used

fakeroot dpkg-deb -b /home/packager/package/bin /home/packager/packager/output 

Packaging ccapnproto

ccapnproto file system hierarchy looks like the following:


For deb production, an extra file at ./bin/DEBIAN/control place contains the following

Package: c-capnproto
Architecture: amd64
Maintainer: 6WIND <>
Description: c-capnproto library
Library for CCAPNPROTO.

For rpm production, an extra file at ./package/c-capnproto/rpm.spec is available for usage.

Packaging quagga

For packaging Quagga, you will need to host following Quagga files under bin file system hierarchy as follow. Files are provided in annex: bgpd/bgpd.conf.sample4 to be copied in /etc/bgpd.conf. dummyquagga files are empty files.


For rpm production, a rpm.spec file is necessary to be copied in ./bin/SPECS/rpm.spec. Use following file:

Name: quagga
Release: 0
Summary: Quagga Routing Suite
Group: Applications/Internet
License: GPL
BuildRoot: /home/packager/packager/rpm/bin/BUILD/ROOT
Requires: zmq c-capnproto

Quagga is an advanced routing software package that provides a suite of TCP/IP based routing protocols.

rm -rf %{buildroot} && mkdir -p %{buildroot}
cd /home/packager/packager/<output> && find . \! -type d | cpio -o -H ustar -R 0:0 | tar -C %{buildroot} -x
find %{buildroot} -type f -o -type l|sed "s,%{buildroot},," > %{_builddir}/files
sed -ri "s/\.py$/\.py*/" %{_builddir}/files

rm -rf %{buildroot}

getent group quagga >/dev/null 2>&1 || groupadd -g 92 quagga >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
getent passwd quagga >/dev/null 2>&1 || useradd -u 92 -g 92 -M -r -s /sbin/nologin \
-c "Quagga routing suite" -d /var/run/quagga quagga >/dev/null 2>&1 || :




%files -f %{_builddir}/files
%dir %attr(750,quagga,quagga) /opt/quagga/var/run/quagga
%dir %attr(750,quagga,quagga) /opt/quagga/var/log/quagga

For deb production, an extra file at ./bin/DEBIAN/control place contains the following

Package: quagga
Architecture: amd64
Maintainer: 6WIND <>
Depends: zmq(>=4.1.0), c-capnproto(>=1.0.0)
Description: Quagga Routing Suite
Quagga is an advanced routing software package that provides a suite of TCP/IP based routing protocols.

A preinst configuration file is necessary to be upgraded in order to benefit from debian pre installation facilities:


if [ -n "$DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG" ]; then set -v -x; DEBIAN_SCRIPT_TRACE=1; fi   
set -e
set -u


# creating quagga group if it isn't already there
if ! getent group quagga >/dev/null; then
            addgroup --system quagga >/dev/null

# creating quagga user if he isn't already there
if ! getent passwd quagga >/dev/null; then
      adduser \
        --system \
        --ingroup quagga \
        --home $PREFIX/var/run/quagga \
        --gecos "Quagga-BGP routing suite" \
        --shell /bin/false \
        quagga  >/dev/null

# Do not change permissions when upgrading as it would violate policy.
if [ "$1" = "install" ]; then
  # Logfiles are group readable in case users were put into the quagga group.
  mkdir -p $d
  chown -R quagga:quagga $d
  chmod u=rwx,go=rx $d
  find $d -type f -print0 | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty   chmod u=rw,g=r,o=

# Strict permissions for the sockets.
        mkdir -p $d
        chown -R quagga:quagga $d
        chmod u=rwx,go=rx $d
        find $d -type f -print0 | xargs -0 --no-run-if-empty   chmod u=rw,go=

Packaging ZRPC

For packaging ZRPC, you will need to host following ZRPC files under bin file system hierarchy as follow. Files that build init.d/zrpcd are provided in annex: pkgsrc/zrpcd.ubuntu or zrpcd.suse or zrpcd.centos. dummyzrpc files are empty files.


Some files are not produced by "quagga building instructions". Two files are provided in annex: etc/bgpd.conf and etc/init.d/qthriftd files. .dummy files are empty files.

For rpm production, a rpm.spec file is necessary to be copied in ./bin/SPECS/rpm.spec. Use ./package/rpm.spec file. Note that for centos distribution, you should ignore the following dependencies on rpm.spec file by suppressing or adapting the following line. The fact is that the package naming on centos differs.

Requires: thrift zmq c-capnproto quagga

For deb production, an extra file at ./bin/DEBIAN/control place contains the following.

Package: zrpc
Version: 0.2.
Architecture: amd64
Maintainer: 6WIND <>
Depends: thrift(>=0.9), zmq(>=4.1.0), libglib2.0-0(>=2.22.5), quagga(>=1.1.0), c-capnproto(>=1.0.0)
Description: Zebra Remote Procedure Call
ZRPC provides a Thrift API and handles RPC to configure Quagga framework.

For deb production, please also replace preinst file with the one from package/preinst/

Using ZRPC

To start quagga thrift service, use the following command in standard shell, from root account.

/opt/quagga/etc/init.d/zrpcd start

To stop quagga thrift service, use the following command in standard shell, from root account.

/opt/quagga/etc/init.d/zrpcd stop

Troubleshooting ZRPC

Log information from zrpcd and from bgpd is collected in a rotate log file. To see log information, use the example command :

tail -f /opt/quagga/var/log/quagga/zrpcd.init.log

BGP daemon is started by zrpcd, when startBgp thrift call is received. By default, bgp will read configuration located at /opt/quagga/etc/bgpd.conf, which contains :

hostname bgpd
password sdncbgpc
log stdout
service advanced-vty
line vty
 exec-timeout 0 0

bgpd vty interface is present and is reachable via telnet, through port 2605.

ZRPC daemon is available and has a light vty interface to enable/disable debugging. It is accessible through port 2611.


This software is release under the GPLv2 license.