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Project Motivation and Idea

Andreas E edited this page Jan 21, 2020 · 5 revisions

PROJECT: SmartContract "SplitMiningRewards"

Motivation and Purpose

Mining in South Africa needs to split rewards between covering costs for mining in ZA and the rewards for the Sons. Develop a Smart Contract to automate the reward splitting.


  • Mining happens towards the contract address.
  • Up to a defined TargetAmount 90% of the reward will be assigned to a cost-covering rewardAddress (costcenterAddress).
  • The rest of 10% will be assigned to a donation rewardAddress.
  • Once the TargetAmount is reached within a month, all new rewards will be assigned to the donation rewardAddress (beneficiaryAddress).
  • Payout of the rewardBalances of the rewardAddresses once a day.


  • Electrical cost is measured on random between 28 to 41 days.
  • Each month bills are for different cost and time.