A simple payroll app on sui
Next/TS front end
Sui/Move backend
sui zk groth16 circom zk proofs
Wormhole bridge integration
What does the app do?
- The app is intended to be used by both employers and employees, although they will each use it differently
- Employers have
- A treasury they will use to draw from in order to pay employees
- A list of employees currently on the payroll and their relevant information; ie employee database on-chain
- The ability to set an employee start date on the employee-owned object, or termination date
- A breakdown of employee compensation, such as base salary, bonuses, etc... all other components contributing to an employee's pay
- An audit trail that can generate a financial statement about compensation, including all the data for event Paycheck object sent
- The ability to create and transfer new Paycheck objects to employees, drawn from the Treasury (possibly bridged or swapped for stablecoins)
- Employees have
- Ownership of their own employee object that the employer uses in the database
- The ability to set their own termination date (if they want to quit)
- DONT have the ability to hire themselves by setting their own start date
- A list of Paycheck objects, with each one including all the data you might expect on a paystub, like compensation breakdown etc.. and which can be sent or bridged or do whatever the employee wants to
- Employer (singleton; only 1 per business)
- PriviledgedEmployee (HR staff employees that access other people's pay)
- Employee (Unpriviledged employee that receives pay)
- PaycheckData
- Treasury
To do x Strip down and simplify the frontend
- Read stuff about sui
- Implement the sui backend
- Connect frontend and backend
- Add zk functionality for private objects
- Add bridge functionality to frontend