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How to add an examples section to your usage guide

Lloyd Brookes edited this page Jul 5, 2019 · 2 revisions

An example with five sections: title, synopsis, option list, example list, footer.

To achieve this table layout, supply the content as an array of objects. The property names of each object are not important, so long as they are consistent throughout the array.


const commandLineUsage = require('command-line-usage')
const optionDefinitions = [
    name: 'help',
    description: 'Display this usage guide.',
    alias: 'h',
    type: Boolean
    name: 'src',
    description: 'The input files to process. This is some additional text existing solely to demonstrate word-wrapping, nothing more, nothing less. And nothing in between.',
    type: String,
    multiple: true,
    defaultOption: true,
    typeLabel: '{underline file} ...'
    name: 'timeout',
    description: 'Timeout value in ms.',
    alias: 't',
    type: Number,
    typeLabel: '{underline ms}'

const sections = [
    header: 'A typical app',
    content: 'Generates something {italic very} important.'
    header: 'Synopsis',
    content: [
      '$ example [{bold --timeout} {underline ms}] {bold --src} {underline file} ...',
      '$ example {bold --help}'
    header: 'Options',
    optionList: optionDefinitions
    header: 'Examples',
    content: [
        desc: '1. A concise example. ',
        example: '$ example -t 100 lib/*.js'
        desc: '2. A long example. ',
        example: '$ example --timeout 100 --src lib/*.js'
        desc: '3. This example will scan space for unknown things. Take cure when scanning space, it could take some time. ',
        example: '$ example --src galaxy1.facts galaxy1.facts galaxy2.facts galaxy3.facts galaxy4.facts galaxy5.facts'
    content: 'Project home: {underline}'




Example list description

This example adds a description above the example list.

const commandLineUsage = require('command-line-usage')
const optionDefinitions = [
    name: 'help',
    description: 'Display this usage guide.',
    alias: 'h',
    type: Boolean
    name: 'src',
    description: 'The input files to process. This is some additional text existing solely to demonstrate word-wrapping, nothing more, nothing less. And nothing in between.',
    type: String,
    multiple: true,
    defaultOption: true,
    typeLabel: '{underline file} ...'
    name: 'timeout',
    description: 'Timeout value in ms.',
    alias: 't',
    type: Number,
    typeLabel: '{underline ms}'

const sections = [
    header: 'A typical app',
    content: 'Generates something {italic very} important.'
    header: 'Synopsis',
    content: [
      '$ example [{bold --timeout} {underline ms}] {bold --src} {underline file} ...',
      '$ example {bold --help}'
    header: 'Options',
    optionList: optionDefinitions
    header: 'Examples',
    content: 'A list of examples which demonstrate how to use the app.'
    content: [
        desc: '1. A concise example. ',
        example: '$ example -t 100 lib/*.js'
        desc: '2. A long example. ',
        example: '$ example --timeout 100 --src lib/*.js'
        desc: '3. This even longer example will scan space for unknown things. Take care when scanning space, it could take some time. ',
        example: '$ example --src galaxy1.facts galaxy1.facts galaxy2.facts galaxy3.facts galaxy4.facts galaxy5.facts'
    content: 'Project home: {underline}'


