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A use-anywhere, github-flavoured-markdown table generator.


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A use-anywhere, github-flavoured-markdown table generator. Useful in markdown generators or for presenting table data in the terminal.


Where example/simple.json looks like this:

    { "date": "10 Jun 2015", "downloads": 100 },
    { "date": "11 Jun 2015", "downloads": 120 },
    { "date": "12 Jun 2015", "downloads": 150 },
    { "date": "13 Jun 2015", "downloads": 120 },
    { "date": "14 Jun 2015", "downloads": 110 }

this command:

$ cat example/simple.json | gfmt

produces this output:

| date        | downloads |
| ----------- | --------- |
| 10 Jun 2015 | 100       |
| 11 Jun 2015 | 120       |
| 12 Jun 2015 | 150       |
| 13 Jun 2015 | 120       |
| 14 Jun 2015 | 110       |

This command pipes cherry-picked fields from a github repo list into gfmt:

$ curl -s "" \
| jq 'map({, stars:.stargazers_count, forks:.forks_count, issues:.open_issues_count}) | sort_by(.stargazers_count) | reverse' \
| gfmt

produces this output:

| repo                    | stars | forks | issues |
| ----------------------- | ----- | ----- | ------ |
| jsdoc-to-markdown       | 133   | 20    | 18     |
| jsdoc-parse             | 26    | 8     | 4      |
| jsdoc                   | 0     | 1     | 0      |
| gulp-jsdoc-to-markdown  | 6     | 2     | 0      |
| grunt-jsdoc-to-markdown | 12    | 2     | 1      |
| ddata                   | 0     | 2     | 2      |
| dmd-locale-en-gb        | 0     | 0     | 0      |
| dmd-bitbucket           | 0     | 1     | 0      |
| dmd                     | 13    | 10    | 5      |
| dhtml                   | 0     | 0     | 0      |
| dmd-plugin-example      | 0     | 1     | 0      |


As a library:

$ npm install gfmt --save

As a command-line tool:

$ npm install -g gfmt

Run gfmt --help to see the command-line options.

API Reference

A use-anywhere, github-flavoured-markdown table generator.

gfmTable(data, [options]) ⇒ string

Get a github-flavoured-markdown table instance

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Description
data object | Array.<object> the input data
[options] object
[options.columns] Array.<object> column definitions
[options.wrap] boolean wrap to fit into width
[options.width] boolean table width
[options.ignoreEmptyColumns] boolean table width


> gfmt = require("gfmt")
> table = gfmt([
    { "date": "10 Jun 2015", "downloads": 100 },
    { "date": "11 Jun 2015", "downloads": 120 },
    { "date": "12 Jun 2015", "downloads": 150 },
    { "date": "13 Jun 2015", "downloads": 120 },
    { "date": "14 Jun 2015", "downloads": 110 }
> console.log(table.getTable())
| date        | downloads |
| ----------- | --------- |
| 10 Jun 2015 | 100       |
| 11 Jun 2015 | 120       |
| 12 Jun 2015 | 150       |
| 13 Jun 2015 | 120       |
| 14 Jun 2015 | 110       |

© 2015-21 Lloyd Brookes <>. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.