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7thCore edited this page Feb 24, 2022 · 3 revisions


You have 3 ways to install the script:

After that continue with user login and configuration

Installation by repository

By installing the repository you will also be able to update the script using the package manager when a new update is available.

Arch based distro

Edit /etc/pacman.confand add the following line to the bottom of the file:

Include = /etc/pacman.d/seventhcore-scripts-repo

Then create a new file at /etc/pacman.d/seventhcore-scripts-repo and add the following content:

SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =

Arch users have to install steamcmd from the aur before attempting to install the package.

You can now install the script by running pacman -Sy sesrv-script

Debian based distro

First you need to download and add the repository public key to your keyring. Now because apt-key is deprecated we will be using a diffrent command to get the key:

wget --quiet -O - | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee "/usr/share/keyrings/seventhcore-scripts-repo.gpg" >/dev/null

Now create a new file at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/seventhcore-scripts-repo.list and add the following content:

deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/seventhcore-scripts-repo.gpg] stable main

You can now install the script by running apt update and after that apt install sesrv-script

Installation by package

Download the package and install it.

Arch based distro:

Arch users have to install steamcmd from the aur before attempting to install the package.

sudo pacman -U /path/to/sesrv-script-1.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

Debian based distro:

sudo apt install /path/to/sesrv-server_1.0-1_amd64.deb

All the required packages are listed as dependacies in the script package and they will be installed automaticaly

Manual installation

Log in to your server with ssh and execute:

git clone

Copy the sesrv script to /usr/bin

cp ./sesrv-script.bash /usr/bin/sesrv-script

User and folder structure creation

Create the sesrv user

useradd --system -g sesrv -d /srv/sesrv/ -s /bin/bash sesrv

Create the folder structure for the server:

mkdir -p /srv/sesrv/{server,config,updates,backups,logs,tmpfs}
mkdir -p /srv/sesrv/.config/systemd/user

Service and timer installation

Copy all the .service and .timer files to the user directory

cp ./*.service /srv/sesrv/.config/systemd/user/
cp ./*.timer /srv/sesrv/.config/systemd/user/

Bash profile installation and permissions configuration

Copy the bash profile to the sesrv directory

cp ./bash_profile /srv/sesrv/.bash_profile

Give file permissions to the user

chown -R sesrv:sesrv /srv/sesrv

Configure user service

Start the user service and enable linger

loginctl enable-linger sesrv
systemctl start user@$(id -u sesrv).service

User login and script configuration

sudo -i -u sesrv
sesrv-script config_script