Language Server Protocol tools for acme text editor.
The main tool is
which listens for commands from the L
It also watches for files created (New
), loaded (Get
), saved
), or deleted (Del
) in acme, and tells the LSP server about
these changes. The LSP server in turn responds by sending diagnostics
information (compiler errors, lint errors, etc.) which are shown in an
acme window. When Put
is executed in an acme window, acme-lsp
also organizes import paths in the window and formats it.
Currently, acme-lsp
has been tested with
go-langserver and
pyls. Please report
incompatibilities with those or other servers.
Install the latest release:
GO111MODULE=on go install
GO111MODULE=on go install
First install the latest release of gopls:
GO111MODULE=on go install
Start acme-lsp like this:
acme-lsp -server '([/\\]go\.mod)|([/\\]go\.sum)|(\.go)$:gopls serve' -workspaces /path/to/mod1:/path/to/mod2
where mod1 and mod2 are module directories with a go.mod
The set of workspace directories can be changed at runtime
by using the L ws+
and L ws-
When Put
is executed in an acme window editing .go
file, acme-lsp
will update import paths and gofmt the window buffer if needed. It also
enables commands like L def
(jump to defenition), L refs
(list of
references), etc. within acme. The L assist
command opens a window
where completion, hover, or signature help output is shown for the
current cursor position in the .go
file being edited.
If you want to change gopls
you can create a configuration file at
(the -showconfig
flag prints
the exact location) and then run acme-lsp
without any flags. Example
config file:
WorkspaceDirectories = [
FormatOnPut = true
CodeActionsOnPut = ["source.organizeImports"]
Command = ["gopls", "serve", "-rpc.trace"]
StderrFile = "gopls.stderr.log"
LogFile = "gopls.log"
# These settings gets passed to gopls
hoverKind = "FullDocumentation"
Pattern = "[/\\\\]go\\.mod$"
LanguageID = "go.mod"
ServerKey = "gopls"
Pattern = "[/\\\\]go\\.sum$"
LanguageID = "go.sum"
ServerKey = "gopls"
Pattern = "\\.go$"
LanguageID = "go"
ServerKey = "gopls"
If a file gets out of sync in the LSP server (e.g. because you edited the file outside of acme), executing
on the file will update it in the LSP server. -
Create scripts like
, etc., so that you can easily execute those commands with a single middle click:
for(cmd in comp def fmt hov impls refs rn sig syms type assist ws ws+ ws-){
> L^$cmd {
echo '#!/bin/rc'
echo exec L $cmd '$*'
chmod +x L^$cmd
- Create custom keybindings that allow you to do completion
L comp -e
) and show signature help (L sig
) while you're typing. This can be achieved by using a general keybinding daemon (e.g. xbindkeys in X11) and running acmefocused.
- A setup with Acme on Darwin using acme-lsp with ccls by Igor Böhm
- - Similar tool but only for Go programming language
- - Implements formatting and import fixes for Go
- - Python formatter based on acmego
- - Crystal formatter