This is the official API wrapper for written in Python and published to PyPi.
To install, run this command in a terminal:
$ pip install gblpyapi
gblpyapi now has a webhook server! Create an instance of the WebhookServer module and pass the required parameters. Get when a user votes with the event below!
Event Name | Parameters |
on_glenn_vote |
data |
Method | Action |
post_guild_count() (note: requires authentication) |
POST guild count |
fetch_user_info(user_id) |
GET user info |
fetch_has_voted(user_id) (note: required authentication) |
GET if a user has voted |
fetch_bot_votes() (note: requires authentication) |
GET bot votes |
fetch_bot_stats(bot_id) |
GET bot stats |
fetch_vote_count() (note: requires authentication) |
GET bot vote count |
To easily combine all examples, all examples will be shown in a discord.ext.commands.Cog
from glennbotlist import GBL
from glennbotlist import WebhookServer
import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
class GlennBotList(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
self.glenn = GBL(, token=config.gbl, logging=True) # Replace "GBL TOKEN" with your GBL Token. True enables logging.
self.server = WebhookServer( # Initiate Webhook Server
self.postservers.start() # Starts the postservers task
async def on_glenn_vote(self, data): # Triggered whenever a user votes
@tasks.loop(hours = 1)
async def postservers(self):
await self.glenn.post_guild_count() # Post you server count and shard count. If logging is enabled, it will print a success message
async def user_info(self, ctx, user: discord.Member):
return await ctx.send("This user is not a bot")
guser = await self.glenn.fetch_user_info( # Returns a glennbotlist.User object
await ctx.send(f"Name: {}. Bio: {}") # Sends the users name and bio. For all User attributes, print the directory of glennbotlist.User
async def has_voted(self, ctx, user: discord.Member):
return await ctx.send("This user is not a bot")
voted = await self.glenn.fetch_has_voted( # Returns a bool of whether the user has voted
await ctx.send(f"{user}'s vote status: {voted}")
async def votes(self, ctx):
votes = await self.glenn.fetch_bot_votes() # Gets a dict of votes
await ctx.send(votes)
async def botinfo(self, ctx, user: discord.Member):
if not
await ctx.send("This is not a bot!")
bot = await self.glenn.fetch_bot_stats( # Returns a glennbotlist.Bot object
await ctx.send(f"Name: {}. Prefix: {bot.prefix}") # Sends the bots name and prefix. For all Bot attributes, print the directory of glennbotlist.Bot
async def vote_count(self, ctx):
votes = await self.glenn.fetch_vote_count() # Gets all time and monthly votes
await ctx.send(f"I have {votes['monthly']} votes this month!") # Sends amount of votes for the current month
def setup(bot):
Made with ❤️ by A Trash Coder#0214 and A Discord User#1173.
Join the Discord for more help on this module.