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OLED Animations

This project explores animations and fast(~30hz-50hz) drawing on the SSD1315 OLED display from SeeedStudio using ESP-IDF.


Car on a Ferry 3D Church Fingerprint Finger Walking House MicroSD Card

Pre-Requisites & Connections

  • ESP-IDF installation

    • Along with the some prior experience and knowledge of working with ESP-IDF
    • Experience/knowledge of I2C with ESP-IDF. Here are the ESP-IDF I2C docs.
  • ESP32 dev board

  • Connections to ESP32

    Screen Pin ESP32 Pin
    VCC 3.3 V
    SDA 21
    SCL 22
  • Since SeeedStudio uses a proprietary connector, I decided to use a makeshift solution by just wedging 4 dupont wires into one of their connectors, while the other end is connected to the screen. Hardware Connections


The data sheet of the display is available here, and it mentions the registers for configuration of the screen. The way to transfer data to this screen is by 3 methods:

  • Page addressing mode
  • Horizontal addressing mode (which we will be using)
  • Vertical addressing mode

Horizontal addressing mode (Important)

Page Addressing In this addressing mode, a page (or sub-column) of 8 vertical pixels is sent as a byte, with the most significant bit, as the lowest pixel, and the least significant bit as the highest pixel. After a byte(page) has been sent, the next byte(page) sent is written to the next column. After the last column has been written, the next byte(page) sent is written in the 0th column of the next page row. After the last column of the last page row is written to, the next byte sent is written to the first column of the first page row.

In conclusion, data is sent as vertical columns(pages) of pixels as bytes, until the first row pages is filled, and then the next row starts.

Screen configuration

I2C Setup

An i2c_config_t structure with the following parameters is passed to i2c_param_config() to set up an I2C controller:

  • SDA: 21
  • SCL: 22
  • sda_pullup_en: GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE
  • scl_pullup_en: GPIO_PULLUP_ENABLE
  • Clock Speed: 1000000

Then the I2C driver is installed by calling i2c_driver_install().

Screen Configuration

Here is the sequence of bytes we send to configure the screen:

  1. Start byte with 0x78.

  2. Control byte 0x00

    Continuation bit is set to 0 to indicate a stream of incoming bytes D/C bit is set to 0 to indicate that incoming bytes are commands and are not for display(should not be written to GDDR)

  3. Turn display off to configure. Not necessary, but I decided to do it: 0xAE

  4. Going to configure Display Clock Divide Ratio/Oscillator Frequency: 0xD5

  5. Set Display Clock Divide Ratio to 0xF and Oscillator Frequency to 0x0: 0xF0

  6. Going to configure Multiplex Ratio(basically number of rows): 0xA8

  7. Set multiplex ratio to 63: 0x3F

  8. Going to configure display offset: 0xD3

  9. Set Display offset to 0: 0x00

  10. Set configure display start line to 0: 0x40

  11. Going to configure charge pump setting: 0x8D

  12. Enable charge pump: 0x14

    Screen does not work if charge pump is disabled

  13. Going to configure memory addressing mode: 0x20

  14. Set memory addressing mode to horizontal: 0x00

  15. Going to configure column address register: 0x21

  16. Set start column address: 0x0

  17. Set end column address: 0x7F

  18. Going to configure page address register: 0x22

  19. Set start page address: 0x0

  20. Set end page address: 0x7

    Explanation: There are 64 rows divided into 8 pages. With 0 index, there are 7 pages

  21. Set Segment remap: 0xA1

    Flip display horizontally, based on physical orientation of screen

  22. Set COM Output Scan Direction: 0xC8

    Flip display vertically, based on physical orientation of screen

  23. Going to configure COM pins hardware config: 0xDA

  24. Set COM pins hardware config: 0x12

    Not sure, but feels like it's set on hardware config. Probably determined by SeeedStudio based on how they configured the screen PCB board.

  25. Going to configure contrast: 0x81

  26. Set contrast to max: 0xFF

  27. Going to set pre-charge period: 0xD9

  28. Set Phase 1 and Phase 2 to 2 DCLK: 0x22 (default value)

    Not sure what is this does. But has to do with selecting memory? Apparently Google says it also dims the display or reduced noise? I tried adjusting, but did not see a noticeable difference in my display

  29. Going to configure VCOMH Deselect Level: 0xDB

  30. Set VCOMH Deselect Level: 0x20

    Not sure what this does. Did not make noticeable difference for me when I adjusted it. Left it to default value

  31. Send GDDR contents to screen: 0xA4

    Sending 0xA5 just turns all pixels on

  32. Set display to normal mode: 0xA6

    Sending 0xA7 inverts the display. Bits that are set correspond to "off" pixels, and cleared bits correspond to "on" pixels

  33. Deactivate scrolling: 0x2E

  34. Turn the display on: 0xAF

  35. Stop byte

Screen Buffer

The total number of pixels: 128*64 = 8192. Since each byte(page) holds 8 pixels, we need 8192/8 = 1024 bytes.

Writing to Screen

Converting Cartesian Coordinates to vertically Paged buffer for SSD1315

In this section, we'll convert an (x, y) Cartesian point to a point in the paged buffer system expected by the display. This section forms the basis for the drawPixel() function in the example code provided. It is also used in the Python script to convert frames to vertical page buffers.

Imagining our 1024 byte buffer as a continuous line of pages(vertical line of 8 pixels) starting from the first column of the first page row to the last column of the last page row, we can use the following calculations to find which byte to change, and which bit to set in the vertical page buffer, based on (x, y) Cartesian coordinates:

  • Byte number (from 0 to 1023) = ((y / 8) * WIDTH) + x or ((y / 8) * 128) + x

    This formula skips groups of 128 pixels based on how many pages down our point is in the Cartesian plane. Since 1 page is 8 pixels vertically, we skip 128 bytes every time we go 8 Cartesian points down. x is added since going 1 point right means skipping 1 byte(or 1 page).

  • Bit number = y % 8

    The bit that we set or clear has it's position somewhere in a group of 8 pixels(1 page). We can find this by calculating the remainder after y is divided by 8(size of a page in pixels)

Once we know which byte to replace, and which bit to set, we can define the drawPixel() function as follows:

//WIDTH is defined as 128 in the code
// colour can be either 1(white) or 0(black), since a pixel can be either white or black
void drawPixel(int x, int y, int colour)
    int byteLocation = ((y / 8) * WIDTH) + x;
    uint8_t newByte = buffer[byteLocation];
    if (colour)
        newByte |= 1 << (y % 8); //set a bit
        newByte &= ~(1 << (y % 8)); //clear a bit
    buffer[byteLocation] = newByte;

Sending buffer to Screen

To send a buffer to the screen, we send the following commands over I2C:

  1. Start byte + address

  2. Control Byte: 0x40

    Continuation bit is set to 0, indicating a stream of incoming bytes. D/C bit set to 1, indicating the incoming bytes should be sent to GDDR.

  3. The buffer itself using i2c_master_write()

  4. Stop byte


A function called directToScreenAnimation() accepts a 2D array with sub-arrays of 1024 bytes, and the number of frames in the animation. These sub-arrays are expected to be vertical page buffers, which can directly be sent to the screen. The function sends the frames (sub-arrays) in a sequential manner to the screen.

Filling the entire buffer by writing 1 pixel at a time, and then sending it to the screen takes about 33ms, so ~30hz.

Writing 1 pixel to the buffer, and then sending it takes about 20ms, so ~50hz.

Both frame rates are acceptable for animation, and seem smooth to the human eye.

How to Use this Project

  1. Create a directory called frames in the root directory, if it does not already exist. Add black and white frames to the directory. Make sure the frames are not too big, and are 128px x 64px max. Coloured drawings on a white background will show up as white drawings on a black background on the screen. Invert the screen using the 0xA7 command in the config section if needed to reverse this effect.
  2. Run (it will work with most image formats for frames), and it will place/replace aniBuf.c in the main directory. aniBuf.c will contain vertically paged buffers of the frames provided as sub-arrays of 1024 bytes in a root 2D array called bufferAnimation.

    If your frames are smaller than 128x64 px, you can adjust some parameters in to offset your frames on the screen, so that they can be displayed in specific positions. In on line 46, the frames are displaced by 32px on x-axis. This means frames of size 64x64 will display in the middle of the screen, which is 128x64.

  3. Replace any text in aniBuf.h with extern const unsigned char bufferAnimation[][1024];
  4. Use directToScreenAnimation(bufferAnimation, <number of frames>) to display your frames sequentially on the screen. Some examples are already provided in the current main.c file.

Multiple Animations

Multiple animations can be loaded in the aniBuf.c file like the current example. They must have different names and their corresponding number of frames, and aniBuf.h must have entires with corresponding names in the same format. The current example demonstrates individual pixel drawing, as well as multiple animations.

Frequently Asked Questions/Troubleshooting

  • My animation is cut-off/has garbage frames Check the number of frames you are passing to directToScreenAnimation()
  • There is nothing displayed on my screen Check your connections. If they are corrected, check I2C driver configuration. If that is correct, check screen configuration using I2C. Try lowering I2C clock rate to 400Khz instead of 1Mhz


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