Forecast Genius is a modern weather forecasting website that not only provides accurate weather data but also offers AI-driven activity suggestions based on today's forecast. Built with the latest technologies, including Next.js, Express.js, Google Cloud, and MongoDB, this project brings a smart and engaging experience to users looking to plan their day effectively.
- Detailed Weather Forecasts: Hourly, daily, and minutely weather data with up-to-the-minute accuracy.
- AI-Powered Activity Suggestions: Get activity recommendations based on the current weather.
- Google Calendar Integration: Automatically add suggested activities to your Google Calendar when you are satistified the suggestions.
- Frontend: Next.js - React framework for building server-side rendered web applications.
- Backend: Express.js - Fast, minimalist web framework for Node.js.
- Cloud Services: Google Cloud - Utilized for storage, API services, and more.
- Database: MongoDB - NoSQL database for storing user preferences and activity data.