A utility for parsing and generating service DSNs
A data source name (DSN) is a string which defines how to connect to a service. Since it's a string, it's portable, not language or implementation dependent and anything capable of parsing it can know how to connect to the service it points at.
This repo only provides a means of converting a DSN string into an array and vice versa.
When using a wrapper class, this repo provides an array in the format expected by a particular consumer. So for example, the CakePHP wrapper classes provide arrays in the format the framework understands for a given DSN string.
The main dsn class implements a parse function which returns a dsn instance:
use \AD7six\Dsn\Dsn;
$dsn = Dsn::parse($url);
The class of the returned object is dependent upon the scheme of the service url, for example:
// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\Db\MysqlDsn;
$dsn = Dsn::parse('mysql://host/dbname');
// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\Db\SqliteDsn;
$dsn = Dsn::parse('sqlite:///path/to/name.db');
For unknown schemes - the an instance of the called class is returned. This also means that a more specific instance can be obtained by using a less-generic class where appropriate:
// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\Dsn;
$dsn = Dsn::parse('newdb://host/dbname');
// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\DbDsn;
$dsn = DbDsn::parse('newdb://host/dbname');
In all of the above cases, the returned instance is the "raw" dsn data:
// $dsn is an instance of \AD7six\Dsn\Db\MysqlDsn;
$dsn = Dsn::parse('mysql://host/dbname');
'scheme' => 'mysql',
'host' => 'host',
'port' => 3306,
'database' => 'dbname'
If the behavior of the raw dsn needs to be modified - use a wrapper implementation