For caching: time complexcity of Array : O(n) time complexcity of Object : O(1) 🟢
1. Install CRA & Do some Clean Up
2. Install TailWindCSS as Dev dependence & Config it & Check Weather We haved Succesfully Setup TailWind
3. Install Redux & Redux Toolkit
4. Create Store & 1st Slice as appSlice
5. Provide Store to Application & Check Weather We haved Succesfully Setup Redux
6. Head & SideMenu Development
7. SideMenu Close Feature
8. Fecth Youtube data
9. Button List Click Handling
10. Design of Video Card
11. React Router Dom
12. Usage of UseSearchParams hook
13. Fetch Video with help of video Id
14. Design Watch Page
15. Fetching Channel Data from API
16. Develop comment section for n level nesting.