This project contains meetup's presentations
- AEM Responsive Layout
- AEM Rules for SonarQube
- AEM Groovy Console
- Dynamic Dialogs for Classic UI
- MSM. Rollout Configuration
- Integration AEM and Apache Solr
- QueryBuilder and Custom Predicates
- Queries in AEM. JCR-SQL2.
- Dispacther. Tips and Tricks
- SSO integration with AEM
- Custom touch-UI RTE-plugin for adding pictures to touch-UI WYSIWYG
- Functionality extension of the AEM plug-in out of the box
- Jersey + Swagger = RESTful API in AEM
- Named Transform Image Servlet
- AEM Health checks
- OSGI specification-based approach to configuring
- Single page applications with AEM
- Permission-sensitive content in NoSQL storage
- Fast Content Delivery
- Integrating AEM with external media server
- Generate Apache Felix services with help of Swagger and Retrofit
- AOP implementation in OSGi with AspectJ
- Challenges on golf project
- Manage content using Experience Fragments in 6.3
- AEM Marketing Solutions for the financial sector