Plugins to import AFM data (bcrf and gsf files) in Blender. There are specific versions for Blender V2 and Blender V3. The core code of these importers is based on the ascii importer developed by zeffii
- AFM_SHADER.converted.osl: Open Shading Language example script to use a material with a Z dependent color scale in Blender. Needs the Cycles rendering engine AND the Open Shading Language tick activated. This file was generated with the OSL_Generator.ijm ImageJ macro (see below).
- BlenderUtilities_QuickStart.jpg: quick guide.
- BlenderUtilities_QuickStart.pdf: quick guide in pdf format. Download it to open.
- plugin to import AFM data (in bcrf format) in Blender V2.X. Files need the .bcrf extension.
- plugin to import AFM data (in gsf format) in Blender V2.X. Files need the .gsf extension.
- plugin to import AFM data (in bcrf format) in Blender V3.X. Files need the .bcrf extension.
- plugin to import AFM data (in gsf format) in Blender V3.X. Files need the .gsf extension.
- OSL_Generator.ijm: ImageJ macro script to convert a gwyddion color gradient to an OSL script with the corresponding color scale. Already included in the AFMiJ repository.
- this file