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Terraforming for CEDEC 2013 Build Status Coverage Status

Setup Development Environment

Prepare Eclipse Environment with Maven

  1. Install Eclipse
  1. Run Eclipse
  2. Install Scala IDE 3.0.1 (For Scala 2.10.x) on your Eclipse Kepler (4.3)
  3. See the following web page:
  4. Copy a URL of suitable version (the 2nd URL) on the above site
  5. Menu > Help > Install new software
  6. Enter the copied URL on the textbox of "Enter with" then push enter key
  7. Install m2e-scala connector on your Eclipse
  8. Copy the following URL:
  9. Menu > Help > Install new software
  10. Enter the copied URL on the textbox of "Enter with" then push enter key
  11. Edit eclipse.ini ("eclipse/eclipse.ini" on Windows, "" on Mac OS)
    -Xmx???m => -Xmx2048m

Import the Maven Project into Your Eclipse Workspace

You can import maven projects with the following steps:

  1. Import > Existing Maven Projects
  2. Set Root Directory containing pom.xml
  3. Select Projects
  4. Push Finish
  5. Right click the imported project > Maven > Update Project Configuration > OK

Build tools

Please install the following tools selecting the following choices.

Test with sbt (Choice 1)

  1. sbt
    Start a build server.
  2. test
    Conduct testing.

Test with Maven 3 and Zinc (Choice 2)

  1. zinc -start
    Start a build server.
  2. mvn test
    Conduct testing.

Test with Maven 3 (Choice 3)

  1. mvn test
    Conduct testing.

How to release

  1. Write code
  2. Change window title
  3. Fix pom.xml and build.sbt
  4. mvn clean compile
  5. mvn package
  6. Fix
  7. Zip packages and upload it
  8. Tag it with version on GitHub



  • Project Leader
    • Kazunori Sakamoto (National Institute of Informatics)
  • Developers of Game Platform
    • Kosuke Yatoh (University of Tokyo)
    • Hiroaki Hosono (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    • Naoki Yaguchi (Waseda University)
    • Koji Tumura (Waseda University)
    • Ryu Yasuda (Waseda University)
    • Daichi Ota (ACCESS CO., LTD.)
    • Seiji Sato (Waseda University)
    • Junichi Kobayashi (Waseda University)
    • Masataka Kido (Waseda University)
    • Fumiya Kato (Waseda University)
    • Shogo Kishimoto (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
  • Developers of AI Execution Server
    • Fumiya Kato (Waseda University)
    • Genki Sugimoto (Waseda University)
  • Developers of Web Server
    • Daniel Perez (Waseda University)
    • Masataka Kido (Waseda University)
  • Developers of JavaScript Replayer
    • Ryohei Takasawa (Waseda University)
    • Naohiko Tuda (Waseda University)
    • Dai Hamada (Waseda University)
  • Developers of Sample AI Programs
    • C++, Haskell: Kosuke Yatoh (University of Tokyo)
    • Scala: Ryu Yasuda (Waseda University)
    • Java: Seiji Sato (Waseda University)
  • Game Designers
    • Hiroaki Hosono (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
    • Junichi Kobayashi (Waseda University)
    • Seiji Sato (Waseda University)
    • Kosuke Yatoh (University of Tokyo)
    • Fumiya Kato (Waseda University)
    • Naoki Yaguchi (Waseda University)
  • Graphic Designers
    • Masahiko Wada
  • Web Masters
    • Kimiyasu Morikawa (Waseda University)
    • Hiroaki Hosono (Tokyo Institute of Technology)


Apache License, Version 2.0