Releases: AIIrondev/Cabug-Folder-Sorter
v3.0.0: New Functions
Third full release
- new function: delets folder if empty
- detects the file type with Magika
- fixed some Bugs and made the Code a bit more performant
- added new config and log files
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0
v2.2.0: Bug fixes
Second pre release for version two
In this update I changed:
- Bug fixed: help.json, change of background
- Added saving of the language and the subdir sort valiue, also the backgroung and text color
v2.1.0: User experience
User experience update
- Added help system
- Added language changing system
- Added subfolder sorting mechanic
- fixed
Full Changelog: v2.0.0.0...v2.1.2.5
v2.0.0: Advanced Options
Second full release
In this release i've added the advanced options for sorting.
- added Advanced Checkbox sorting
- added Advanced Script sorting
- updatet the guide
- Implementet better grafics
- updatet the file
- fixed some bugs from the pre releases
- updatet the file
- added new grafics
Full Changelog: v1.0.0.0...v2.0.0.0
Second Pre Release for version 1
In this version the second feature is implementet.
This is the scripting update, this adds the function of selcting a .json file.
Also there is a example file so you now how to do it, until the file is updatet:
{"Images": [".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".tiff", ".webp", ".svg", ".ico"], "Videos": [".mp4", ".mkv", ".webm", ".flv", ".avi", ".mov", ".wmv", ".mpg", ".mpeg", ".3gp", ".3g2"]}
Also there is another menu for the advanced options.
This is still a pre-release version, because of that the grafics wont be as good.
Pre Release 1 for version 1
In this version I updatet some of the Menus and added the advanced option menu.
This pre release may have some Bugs, if you find one please report them and discribe them so I can fix them.
To download the pre release click the button or click on the attacht binarie.
First full release
This Programm is ideal for sorting folders if you work with Code.
If you find any bugs or problems please contact me.
The programm sorts files after the ending of them.
This Projekt is developt by AiIronwitch in Python.
This folder sorter is in active development and has more Versions to come.
Full Changelog: v0.1.1.0...v1.0.0.0
This is the first pre release, the funtionalities will not be overwelming. This is just a simple programm.
Also this programm is in active development and will be updatet regulary.
Full Changelog: folder_sorter...v0.1.1.0
Folder sorter
This Programm isn't finisched and is work in Progress. It is made in Python.
- Sorter Funktion