This project is a social networking platform frontend built using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. It interacts with a Django backend to provide features like user authentication, post creation, profile management, and more.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine: git clone
Open the project directory: cd Social-Media
run: python runserver
- New Post: Users can create new text-based posts by filling in content in a text area and submitting the post.
- All Posts: View all posts from all users with the most recent posts displayed first, including username, post content, timestamp, and like count.
- Profile Page: Clicking on a username displays the user's profile page with follower/following counts and all posts in reverse chronological order. Users can also follow/unfollow other users.
- Following Page: View posts from users that the current user follows, with pagination for navigation.
- Pagination: Display posts in sets of 10 per page with navigation buttons (Next/Previous) for easy browsing.
- Edit Post: Users can edit their own posts, replacing the content with a text area for editing and saving changes without page reload.
- Like/Unlike: Allow users to like/unlike posts with asynchronous updating of like counts using JavaScript fetch calls.
- Description: Listens for the DOMContentLoaded event and initializes the application.
- Purpose: Ensures the JavaScript code runs after the HTML content is fully loaded.
- Description: Displays the new post creation section and hides other sections.
- Purpose: Provides a way for users to create new posts.
- Description: Displays the specified section and hides others based on sectionId and pageNum.
- Purpose: Handles navigation between different sections of the application.
- Description: Fetches and displays the current user's profile information.
- Purpose: Shows user-related information such as followers, following, and user posts.
- Description: Fetches and displays posts for the specified section and page number.
- Purpose: Retrieves posts data for all-post and Following sections for display.
- Description: Displays posts in the specified section based on fetched data.
- Purpose: Renders post elements dynamically based on fetched post data.
- Description: Creates an HTML element for a post and adds necessary event listeners.
- Purpose: Generates HTML elements for each post to display on the UI.
- Description: Shows user profile information for the specified username.
- Purpose: Displays user-related information and posts for a particular user.
- Description: Creates an HTML element for user profile and handles follow/unfollow functionality.
- Purpose: Generates user profile information and handles follow/unfollow actions.
- Description: Creates a Follow/Unfollow button for user profiles.
- Purpose: Provides a way for users to follow or unfollow other users.
- Description: Displays posts for a user profile, includes edit button if it's the current user's profile.
- Purpose: Renders posts for a user's profile and enables editing for the current user's posts.
- Description: Handles liking/unliking a post and updates the UI with the new like count.
- Purpose: Allows users to like or unlike a post and updates the UI accordingly.
- Description: Toggles follow/unfollow for a user profile.
- Purpose: Enables users to follow or unfollow other users from their profiles.
- Description: Adds pagination buttons for navigating between pages of posts.
- Purpose: Facilitates navigation between pages of posts with pagination buttons.
- Description: Toggles the heart icon for liking/unliking a post and updates the like count.
- Purpose: Handles the UI interaction for liking or unliking a post.
- Description: Hides all sections of the application.
- Purpose: Ensures only the relevant section is displayed based on user interactions.
- Description: Retrieves the value of a cookie by name.
- Purpose: Helps in obtaining the CSRF token for making authenticated requests.
- Description: Creates an Edit button for a post and handles post editing functionality.
- Purpose: Enables users to edit their posts directly from the UI.
- Description: Renders the index.html template with a new form instance.
- Purpose: Displays the main page of the application with a form for creating new posts.
- Description: Handles user login functionality, authenticates users, and redirects them to the index page upon successful login.
- Purpose: Allows users to log in to the application securely.
- Description: Logs out the currently authenticated user and redirects them to the index page.
- Purpose: Provides a way for users to log out of the application.
- Description: Handles user registration, creates a new user account, and logs in the user upon successful registration.
- Purpose: Enables new users to register for an account and access the application.
- Description: Allows authenticated users to create new posts by handling form submissions.
- Purpose: Provides a form for users to create and submit new posts.
- Description: Handles the editing of a specific post identified by post_id, including updating the post content and handling likes.
- Purpose: Allows users to edit their posts and interact with post likes.
- Description: Fetches and returns the profile information of the currently authenticated user.
- Purpose: Displays the profile information of the logged-in user.
- Description: Handles user profile views, including following/unfollowing users and fetching profile information.
- Purpose: Provides functionality to view and interact with user profiles.
- Description: Retrieves and paginates all posts in the system, ordered by timestamp.
- Purpose: Displays a paginated list of all posts in the application.
- Description: Retrieves and paginates posts from users that the current user is following.
- Purpose: Displays a paginated list of posts from users the logged-in user follows.