dynworkspace-handler is a bash script to switch to workspaces in i3 tiling wm using dmenu.
This script is useful when you use dynamic workspaces in i3, see command example below.
It also can move an complete workspace to an specific output including the feature to identify all available outputs.
dmenu [workspaces, move to output] (should be available if dmenu is installed)
jq [workspaces, move to output] (tool to parse json in bash)
xterm [move to output] (only if the identify function is used)
figlet [move to output] (only if the identify function is used, makes it pretty)
script needs to be executible
To configure dynworkspace-handler a rc file (~/.config/i3/dynworkspace-handlerrc) is used.
The following settings are possible:
font="FONT" (default: "xos4 terminus-8")
monitornames=true|false (default: true)
- Sets the font used for dmenu
- enables or disables the output identification via floating xterms
in i3 (Keyboard shortcut Mod+y to switch, Mod+Shift+y to move active window, Mod+Shift+x to move to specific output)
bindsym $mod+y exec "/path/to/script/dynworkspace-handler"
bindsym $mod+Shift+y exec "/path/to/script/dynworkspace-handler -m"
bindsym $mod+Shift+x exec "/path/to/script/dynworkspace-handler -o"