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Code for the paper "Learning Natural Language Generation with Truncated Reinforcement Learning"

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Code for the paper Learning Natural Language Generation with Truncated Reinforcement Learning accepted at Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.

This repo is using CLEVR and VQAv2 Datasets:

Get data

  • Get data
    gdown --id 1AVZXRzmKBxVH6Ul9ZviSWPVdj_kwU3yX --output data/
    unzip data/ -d data/
    rm data/
    rm data/vqa-v2/cache/vocab.json
  • If you want the whole clevr dataset:
    rm -r data/CLEVR_v1.0
    wget -O data/
    unzip data/ -d data
    rm data/
  • If you want the whole vqa-v2 dataset
    mv data.mdb data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb/
  • To download the clevr dialog on 20000 images to train the external language model
    gdown --id 1BSqXY6KV4wOxo6tdjP7xej54gMvqk7k1 --output data/clevr_ext/clevr_dialog_train_raw.json
  • To get the necessary models:
    chmod +x sh/files/


  • You can create a conda environment called rl-nlp: conda create -n rl-nlp
  • And activate it: conda activate rl-nlp
  • The required library can be installed via the file requirements.txt: pip install -r requirements.txt
  • The code relies on the CLOSURE github: you need to install it with: python -m pip install git+ --upgrade
  • And on the VILBERT multi-task github: python -m pip install git+ --upgrade

File architecture

├── config         # store the configuration file to create/train models
├── output         # store the output experiments (pre-trained models, logs...)
|   ├── lm_model / : path for pre-trained model .pt on CLEVR dataset. 
|   ├── SL_LSTM_32_64 / path for the pre-trained policy .pt on CLEVR dataset. 
|   ├── SL_LSTM_32_64_VQA / path for the pre-trained policy conditioned on the answer (for VQA reward) on the CLEVR dataset. 
|   └── vqa_model_film / path for the pre-trained oracle model for the "vqa" reward of the CLEVR dataset
    └── lm_model_vqa / path for pre-trained lm model
    └── vqa_policy_512_1024_answer /
    └── vilbert_vqav2
         ├── model.bin : path for vilbert oracle fine-tuned on vqav2 task
         ├── bert_base_6layer_6conect.json : config file for vilbert oracle
├── data          
|   └── CLEVR1.0  # root folder for the CLEVR dataset.
    └── vqa-v2 # root folder for the VQA-V2 dataset.
         ├── coco_trainval.lmdb # lmdb folder for the image features (reduced one on local machine, complete one on VM). 
         ├── cache 
              ├── vocab.json: path for vocab. 
    └── closure_vocab.json: vocab path for closure dataset (used on the "vqa reward" of CLEVR). 
    └── vocab.json: vocab path for the CLEVR dataset. 
    └── train_questions.h5: h5 file for training question dataset. 
    └── val_questions.h5: h5 file for validation question dataset. 
    └── test_questions.h5: h5 file for test question dataset. 
    └── train_features.h5: h5 file for training images features. 
    └── val_features.h5: h5 file for validation images features. 
    └── test_features.h5: h5 file for test images features. 
└── src            # source files

Data preprocessing


  • To run all the scripts from the origin repo (RL-NLP), run first the following command line: export PYTHONPATH=src:${PYTHONPATH}

Preprocessing the dataset questions

To preprocess the questions of the three datasets, run the scripts src/sh/preprocess_questions or the 3 following command lines (in this order):

  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/CLEVR_v1.0/questions/CLEVR_train_questions.json" \ -out_vocab_path "data/vocab.json" -out_h5_path "data/train_questions.h5" -min_token_count 1

  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/CLEVR_v1.0/questions/CLEVR_val_questions.json" \ -out_vocab_path "data/vocab.json" -out_h5_path "data/val_questions.h5" -min_token_count 1

  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/CLEVR_v1.0/questions/CLEVR_test_questions.json" \ -out_vocab_path "data/vocab.json" -out_h5_path "data/test_questions.h5" -min_token_count 1

Extracting the image features

To extract the image features, run the script src/sh/ or the 3 following command lines (batch size arg must be tuned depending on memory availability):

  • python src/preprocessing/ \ --input_image_dir data/CLEVR_v1.0/images/train \ --output_h5_file data/train_features.h5 --batch_size 128

  • python src/preprocessing/ \ --input_image_dir data/CLEVR_v1.0/images/val \ --output_h5_file data/val_features.h5 --batch_size 128

  • python src/preprocessing/ \ --input_image_dir data/CLEVR_v1.0/images/test \ --output_h5_file data/test_features.h5 --batch_size 128


First, extract the vocab:

Extracting full vocab
  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/vqa-v2" -features_path "data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb" -vocab_path "none" -min_split 0

This creates a file "vocab.json" with the vocab.

Extract a reduced vocab (on smaller train and val datasets)
  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/vqa-v2" -features_path "data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb" -vocab_path "none" -min_split 1

This creates a file "vocab_min.json" with the vocab.

Secondly, get the preprocessed pkl file for each dataset

Full datasets (with vocab.json)
  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/vqa-v2" -features_path "data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb" -vocab_path "data/vqa-v2/cache/vocab.json" -split "train" -min_split 0 -test 1

This will create a file "train_entries.pkl"

  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/vqa-v2" -features_path "data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb" -vocab_path "data/vqa-v2/cache/vocab.json" -split "val" -min_split 0 -test 1

This will create a file "val_entries.pkl"

  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/vqa-v2" -features_path "data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb" -vocab_path "data/vqa-v2/cache/vocab.json" -split "train" -min_split 1 -test 0

This will create a file "mintrain_entries.pkl"

  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/vqa-v2" -features_path "data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb" -vocab_path "data/vqa-v2/cache/vocab.json" -split "val" -min_split 1 -test 0

This will create a file "minval_entries.pkl"

Reduced datasets on reduced vocab (train_dataset = 20,000 questions & val_dataset = 5,000 questions)
  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/vqa-v2" -features_path "data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb" -vocab_path "data/vqa-v2/cache/vocab_min.json" -split "train" -min_split 1 -test 0

This will create a file "mintrain_minvocab_entries.pkl".

  • python src/preprocessing/ -data_path "data/vqa-v2" -features_path "data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb" -vocab_path "data/vqa-v2/cache/vocab_min.json" -split "val" -min_split 1 -test 0

This will create a file "minval_minvocab_entries.pkl".

if you want to use vilbert:

cd ..
git clone
cd vilbert-multi-task/tools/
git clone -b python3
cd refer
# if problem, do instead: 
python install
cd ../../
python -m pip install -e . 

#if problem with python : 
python -m pip install --upgrade cython 

Training the models

Link to the pre-trained models


  1. Language Model .pt file here.
  2. Levenshtein Task:
  • Pretrained Policy .pt file (word_emb_size = 32, hidden_size = 64) here.
  1. VQA task:
  • Pretrained VQA model (FiLM version here.
  • Pretrained Policy here


  1. VQA task:
  • Pretrained VQA VILBERT model here.
  • Pretrained VQA VILBERT config file here.

Training the Language Model on the Dataset of Questions


python src/train/ -task "lm" -dataset "clevr" -model "lstm" -num_layers 1 -emb_size 512 -hidden_size 512 -p_drop 0.1 -lr 0.001 -data_path "data" -out_path "output" -bs 512 -ep 20 -num_workers 6


python src/train/ -task "lm" -dataset "vqa" -model "lstm" -num_layers 1 -emb_size 512 -hidden_size 512 -p_drop 0.1 -lr 0.001 -data_path "data/vqa-v2" -features_path "data/vqa-v2/coco_trainval.lmdb" -out_path "output" -bs 512 -ep 50 -num_workers 6

Pre-training of the Policy with Supervised Learning


No answer conditioning

python src/train/ -task "policy" -dataset "clevr" -data_path "data" -out_path "output/policy_pre_training" -emb_size 32 -hidden_size 64 -bs 512 -ep 50 -num_workers 0 -max_samples 21 -fusion "cat"
N.B: When training only on a CPU, the max_samples args is required to train only on a subset of the dataset.

w/ answer conditioning

python src/train/ -task "policy" -dataset "clevr" -data_path "data" -out_path "output/policy_pre_training" -emb_size 32 -hidden_size 64 -bs 512 -ep 50 -num_workers 0 -max_samples 21 -fusion "cat" -condition_answer "after_fusion"


No answer conditioning

python src/train/ -task "policy" -dataset "vqa" -data_path "data" -out_path "output/policy_pre_training" -emb_size 32 -hidden_size 64 -bs 512 -ep 50 -num_workers 0 -fusion "average"

w/ answer conditioning

python src/train/ -task "policy" -dataset "vqa" -data_path "data" -out_path "output/policy_pre_training" -emb_size 32 -hidden_size 64 -bs 512 -ep 50 -num_workers 0 -fusion "average" -condition_answer "after_fusion"

Training the RL Agent

  • See examples in src/scripts/sh.
  • The folder "debug" allows to run small experiments on each of the algo for the 2 CLEVR tasks (Levenshtein & VQA rewards).

logging on tensorboard to display results:

  • cd output/2000_img_len_20"
  • tensorboard --logdir=experiments/train

With GCP VM (VM Instance name here = alice_martindonati@pytorch-3-vm), on local machine:

  • gcloud compute ssh alice_martindonati@pytorch-3-vm -- -NfL 6006:localhost:6006


Code for the paper "Learning Natural Language Generation with Truncated Reinforcement Learning"







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