This repository includes the ROS Driver for Hesai LiDAR sensor manufactured by Hesai Technology. Developed based on HesaiLidar_SDK_2.0, After launched, the project will monitor UDP packets from Lidar,parse data and publish point cloud frames into ROS topic
- Pandar
- AT128
- QT
- FT120
- XT16/XT32
Install ROS related dependency libraries, please refer to:
- Ubuntu 16.04 - ROS Kinetic desktop
- Ubuntu 18.04 - ROS Melodic desktop
- Ubuntu 20.04 - ROS Noetic desktop
- Ubuntu 18.04 - ROS2 Dashing desktop
- Ubuntu 20.04 - ROS2 Foxy desktop
- Ubuntu 22.04 - ROS2 Humble desktop
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libyaml-cpp-dev
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
Create an
folder, copy the source code of the ros driver into it, and then run the following command:catkin_make source devel/setup.bash roslaunch hesai_ros_driver start.launch
Create an
folder, copy the source code of the ros driver into it, and then run the following command:colcon build --symlink-install . install/local_setup.bash
For ROS2-Dashing
ros2 launch hesai_ros_driver
For other ROS2 version
ros2 launch hesai_ros_driver
- driver:
udp_port: 2368 #UDP port of lidar
ptc_port: 9347 #PTC port of lidar
device_ip_address: #IP address of lidar
pcap_path: "<Your PCAP file path>" #The path of pcap file (set during offline playback)
correction_file_path: "<Your correction file path>" #LiDAR angle file, required for offline playback of pcap/packet rosbag
firetimes_path: "<Your firetime file path>" #The path of firetimes file
source_type: 2 #The type of data source, 1: real-time lidar connection, 2: pcap, 3: packet rosbag
pcap_play_synchronization: true #Pcap play rate synchronize with the host time
x: 0 #Calibration parameter
y: 0 #Calibration parameter
z: 0 #Calibration parameter
roll: 0 #Calibration parameter
pitch: 0 #Calibration parameter
yaw: 0 #Calibration parameter
ros_frame_id: hesai_lidar #Frame id of packet message and point cloud message
ros_recv_packet_topic: /lidar_packets #Topic used to receive lidar packets from ROS
ros_send_packet_topic: /lidar_packets #Topic used to send lidar packets through ROS
ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /lidar_points #Topic used to send point cloud through ROS
send_packet_ros: true #true: Send packets through ROS
send_point_cloud_ros: true #true: Send point cloud through ROS
Set the source_type
in the configuration file to 1
and input the correct lidar udp_port
, ptc_port
(default 9347, usually unchanged) and device_ip_address
, then run start.launch.
Set the source_type
in the configuration file to 2
and input the correct lidar pcap_path
, correction_file_path
and firetime_file_path
, then run start.launch.
Record :
When playing or parsing PCAP in real-time, set
, start another terminal and enter the following command to record the data packet ROSBAG.rosbag record ros_send_packet_topic
Playback :
First, replay the recorded rosbag file
using the following command.rosbag play test.bag
Set the
in the configuration file to3
and input the correct lidarcorrection_file_path
(the topic name of rosbag), then run start.launch.
According to the configuration of a single lidar, multiple drivers can be created in config.yaml
, as shown in the following example
- driver:
udp_port: 2368
ptc_port: 9347
pcap_path: "<The PCAP file path>"
correction_file_path: "<The correction file path>"
firetimes_path: "<Your firetime file path>"
source_type: 2
pcap_play_synchronization: true
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
roll: 0
pitch: 0
yaw: 0
ros_frame_id: hesai_lidar
ros_recv_packet_topic: /lidar_packets
ros_send_packet_topic: /lidar_packets
ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /lidar_points
send_packet_ros: true
send_point_cloud_ros: true
- driver:
udp_port: 2368
ptc_port: 9347
pcap_path: "<The PCAP file path>"
correction_file_path: "<The correction file path>"
firetimes_path: "<Your firetime file path>"
source_type: 2
pcap_play_synchronization: true
x: 0
y: 0
z: 0
roll: 0
pitch: 0
yaw: 0
ros_frame_id: hesai_lidar
ros_recv_packet_topic: /lidar_packets2
ros_send_packet_topic: /lidar_packets2
ros_send_point_cloud_topic: /lidar_points2
send_packet_ros: false
send_point_cloud_ros: true