An easy-use raw HTTP request library
package main
import (
func main() {
headers := downbuff.Header{
USER_AGENT: "downbuff/1.0",
ACCEPT: "text/html",
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE: "en-US,en;q=0.8",
HOST: "",
baseRequest := downbuff.BodyRequest{Path: "/", HttpVersion: "1.1", Header: headers}
conn := downbuff.Link("", downbuff.SockConf{Buffer: 2048, Timeout: 3 * time.Second})
defer conn.Quit()
ok, response1 := conn.Req(downbuff.METHOD_GET, baseRequest)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("error:", conn.GetError().Error())
fmt.Println(response1.StatusCode == downbuff.CODE_200)
baseRequest.Path = "/maps"
ok, response2 := conn.Req(downbuff.METHOD_GET, baseRequest)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("error:", conn.GetError().Error())
fmt.Println(response2.StatusCode == downbuff.CODE_200)
fmt.Println(response1.HttpVersion, response1.StatusCode, response1.StatusText) // print HTTP version, status code, status text
fmt.Println(response1.Summary()) // print serialized known headers + unknown headers
fmt.Println(response1.Data) // print body of response
fmt.Println(response1.Header.CONTENT_ENCODING) // print stuff
// ... same for response2
package main
import (
func main() {
headers := downbuff.Header{
RANGE: "bytes=0-", // Setting range, show content-length (good for performance in sync downloading)
HOST: "",
baseRequest := downbuff.BodyRequest{Path: "/media/archives/images/publicationtiff40k/heic1502a.tif", HttpVersion: "1.1", Header: headers}
conn := downbuff.Link("", downbuff.SockConf{Buffer: 2048}) // remove timeout param for download big data
defer conn.Quit()
conn.SetFile("spaceimage.tif") // enable sync downloading with chan (ContentLength, ContentDownloaded)
go func() {
var contentLength int64
var startTime time.Time
for {
select {
case cl := <-conn.ContentLength:
contentLength = cl
startTime = time.Now()
case cd := <-conn.ContentDownloaded:
downloadSpeed := float64(cd) / time.Since(startTime).Seconds() / 1e6
remainingTime := time.Duration((((contentLength - cd) / 1e6) / int64(max(downloadSpeed, 1))) * int64(time.Second)).String()
fmt.Printf("\rDownload progress: %.2f GB / %.2f GB (%.2f MB/s): %s remaining time...", float64(cd)/1e9, float64(contentLength)/1e9, downloadSpeed, remainingTime)
if contentLength == cd {
ok, response := conn.Req(downbuff.METHOD_GET, baseRequest)
if ok && response.StatusCode == downbuff.CODE_200 {
fmt.Println("Downloaded successfully")
package main
import (
func main() {
// How to use Auth builder
credBasic := downbuff.Basic{Username: "user", Password: "passwd"}
// Algorithm param not needed but easily assignable (default is MD5)
credDigest := downbuff.Digest{
Method: downbuff.METHOD_GET,
Path: "/",
Username: "user",
Password: "passwd",
Algorithm: downbuff.MD5,
_ = downbuff.Header{
// Auth with "Basic"
AUTHORIZATION: downbuff.BuildAuth(downbuff.BASIC, downbuff.AuthInfo{BasicScheme: credBasic}),
_ = downbuff.Header{
// Auth with "Digest"
AUTHORIZATION: downbuff.BuildAuth(downbuff.DIGEST, downbuff.AuthInfo{DigestScheme: credDigest}),
// How to build data for POST request
baseRequest := downbuff.BodyRequest{Path: "/", HttpVersion: "1.1", Header: downbuff.Header{HOST: ""},
Data: downbuff.BuildPOST(map[string]string{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}),
conn := downbuff.Link("", downbuff.SockConf{})
defer conn.Quit()
conn.Req(downbuff.METHOD_POST, baseRequest)
// some stuff here
To add multiple or unknown headers use UnkHeader
from downbuff.BodyRequest
with map[string]string
Andrea Vaccaro
Docs and update soon🚀