Light weight deployment scripts
This repository is suggested to be located under /etc/yad/deploy/
Takes care of downloading a package with the application. Takes care of managing the releases and the symlinks.
Uses the following Variables:
YAD_RELEASE_FOLDER : Path to the folder where the package should be installed. Inside of this folder some symlinks are maintained by the script: latest, current, previous and next
YAD_PACKAGE : Url to the package
YAD_PACKAGE_USERNAME, YAD_PACKAGE_PASSWORD : Optional the username required to download the package
AWSCLIPROFILE : If the package points to S3, this is the profile that will be used
The deployment concept of YAD consists of the following steps and conventions:
Deployment Preparation: For every application there exists a deploymentscript under /usr/local/bin following the naming convention yad_
This script itself is very light and the only thing it does is including the settings file for this application. (a script under "/etc/yad///", which normaly only contains some defined Variables (like DB_HOST ...), that the installation of this application expects.)
This script then triggers the standard yad deployment scripts.
Deployment: The standard yad deploymentscripts are located under /etc/yad/deploy
The deploymentscript is just responsible for downloading the application package from a specified url, taking care of cleaning up old releases if required, and then triggers the installation script. For more details read
Installation: The installation is completely in the responsibility of the application. A typical step in the installation is adjusting application settings like database settings. We recommend using "settings injection": The installation process should expect the settings in environment variables! Exactly the ones included in step 1 :-)
###Available options
Option | Type | Description | Default | Required |
String | Script to use for the installation | | YES |
String | Release directory where your application should be installed | YES | |
String | Entry point for your package installation | setup/ | NO |
String | Used to download the deployment artefact (can be zip, tar.gz) | YES | |
String | User to login in order to download the artefact | NO | |
String | Password to login in order to download the artefact | NO | |
String | Executable script that is triggered before the installation starts | NO | |
String | Executable script that is triggered before the symlink switch is done | NO | |
String | Executable script that is triggered after deployment (symlinking) | NO | |
Integer | Keep only the number of releases (rest will be deleted) | 5 | NO |
String | If set the extra package (.extra.tar.gz) will downloaded and extracted on top of the original package | NO |
project: starfleet application: magento environment: staging
|--> source /etc/yad/starfleet/magento/ (File containing the settings for this environment.)
|--> call /etc/yad/deploy/
|--> basic validation that YAD_* variables are defined
|--> ensure /etc/yad/deploy/ is available
|--> call the specific deployment-script e.g. /etc/yad/deploy/
/usr/local/bin/yad_starfleet_magento_staging content:
source "/etc/yad/starfleet/magento/"
/etc/yad/starfleet/magento/ content:
## starfleet-magento
export DB_HOST='localhost'
export DB_USER='mg_stage'
export DB_PASS='mg_pass'
export DB_NAME='magento_staging'
# YAD specific settings
export YAD_RELEASE_FOLDER=/var/www/starfleet/magento/staging/releases
export YAD_INSTALL_SCRIPT=setup/
# package containing at least an install script
# supports tgz and zip packages
export YAD_PACKAGE=https://example.tdl/artifact/starfleet-magento.tar.gz
It expect a zip archive as artefact with a folder setup. In the setup folder should be a gradle build file. As default the gradlew wrapper will be called. Change YAD_INSTALL_SCRIPT=gradle if you have installed the wrapper on the target machine.