NOTE: This module is NOT ready for public consuption. Once it is ready we will tag a 1.0.0 version.
NOTE: Following "documentation" is just a dump of some notes while planning this API.
Return the cart (quote) for the current frontend Magento session
"email": "",
"coupon_code": "",
"shipping_method": "flatrate_flatrate",
"qty": 5,
"totals": {
"subtotal": {
"title": "Subtotal",
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"shipping": {
"title": "Shipping",
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"discount": {
"title": "Discount"
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"tax": {
"title": "Tax",
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"grand_total": {
"title": "Grand Total",
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"messages": {
"error": [
"error message #1",
"error message #2"
"notice": [
"notice message #1",
"notice message #2"
"success": [
"success message #1",
"success message #2"
"has_error": false
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- coupon_code
- shipping_method
- qty
- totals
- messages
- has_error
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- embed
- comma separated list of sub-resources to embed
- items
- billing_address
- shipping_address
- shipping_methods
- payment_methods (R)
- comma separated list of sub-resources to embed
Update attributes of the cart resource. Using the 'embed' query parameter will allow updating of a limited subset of sub-resources as well.
"coupon_code": "FREESTUFF"
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- coupon_code
- shipping_method
- qty
- totals
- messages
- has_error
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- embed
- comma separated list of sub-resources to embed (R) and possibly update (W)
- items (R)
- billing_address (R/W)
- shipping_address (R/W)
- shipping_methods (R)
- payment_methods (R)
- comma separated list of sub-resources to embed (R) and possibly update (W)
Reset the cart and all sub-resources
Get collection of cart items. This will always return a JS object as result, even if the collection is empty.
"139303": {
"item_id": 139303,
"sku": "ABC123",
"name": "Thing #1",
"images": {
"normal": "<url>",
"small": "<url>",
"thumbnail": "<url>",
"children": []
"qty": 5,
"backorder_qty": 5,
"original_price": {
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"price": {
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"row_total": {
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"error_info": {},
"is_saleable": true
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- item_id
- sku
- name
- images
- children
- qty
- backorder_qty
- original_price
- price
- row_total
- messages
- error_info
- is_saleable
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Add an product to the cart. This will re-use existing items in the cart if possible. The qty attribute is optional and will default to a single unit.
"sku": "ABC123"
"qty": 1
You can also post multiple items at once using the items parameter. If you are using items then sku and qty will not have any effect.
"items": [
{sku:"ABC123", qty:"2"},
{sku:"ABC456", qty:"4"}
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- item_id
- sku
- name
- images
- children
- qty
- backorder_qty
- original_price
- price
- row_total
- messages
- error_info
- is_saleable
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Remove all items from the cart
Get a specific cart item
"item_id": 139303,
"sku": "ABC123",
"name": "Thing #1",
"images": {
"normal": "<url>",
"small": "<url>",
"thumbnail": "<url>",
"children": []
"qty": 5,
"backorder_qty": 5,
"original_price": {
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"price": {
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"row_total": {
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"error_info": {},
"is_saleable": true
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- item_id
- sku
- name
- images
- children
- qty
- backorder_qty
- original_price
- price
- row_total
- messages
- error_info
- is_saleable
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Update the quantity for an item in the cart
"qty": 4
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- item_id
- sku
- name
- images
- children
- qty
- backorder_qty
- original_price
- price
- row_total
- messages
- error_info
- is_saleable
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Remove an item from the cart
Return the billing address linked to the cart
"firstname": "John",
"middlename": "Quincy",
"lastname": "Public",
"prefix": "Mr.",
"suffix": "Jr.",
"company": "Acme Inc.",
"Street 1",
"Street 2"
"city": "Burlingame",
"region": "California",
"postcode": "00000",
"country_id": "US",
"telephone": "000-000-0000",
"Error Text",
"Error Text"
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- firstname
- middlename
- lastname
- prefix
- suffix
- company
- street
- city
- region
- postcode
- country_id
- telephone
- formatted_html
- formatted_text
- validation_errors - This will only be populated in response to a PUT/POST
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Update the billing address. All attributes are optional.
Regions are a bit of 'magic'. You can send the Mage_Directory DB ID, The region 'code', or the region 'name'. The code and name are looked up in relation to the currently selected country. The stored region is either the valid region name (looked up by ID/Code/Name) or the value sent as-is.
"region": "FL"
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- firstname
- middlename
- lastname
- prefix
- suffix
- company
- street
- city
- region
- postcode
- country_id
- telephone
- formatted_html
- formatted_text
- validation_errors - This will only be populated in response to a PUT/POST
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Reset the billing address
Return the shipping address linked to the cart
"firstname": "John",
"middlename": "Quincy",
"lastname": "Public",
"prefix": "Mr.",
"suffix": "Jr.",
"company": "Acme Inc.",
"Street 1",
"Street 2"
"city": "Burlingame",
"region": "California",
"postcode": "00000",
"country_id": "US",
"telephone": "000-000-0000",
"Error Text",
"Error Text"
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- firstname
- middlename
- lastname
- prefix
- suffix
- company
- street
- city
- region
- postcode
- country_id
- telephone
- formatted_html
- formatted_text
- validation_errors - This will only be populated in response to a PUT/POST
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Update the shipping address All attributes are optional.
Regions are a bit of 'magic'. You can send the Mage_Directory DB ID, The region 'code', or the region 'name'. The code and name are looked up in relation to the currently selected country. The stored region is either the valid region name (looked up by ID/Code/Name) or the value sent as-is.
"region": "FL"
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- firstname
- middlename
- lastname
- prefix
- suffix
- company
- street
- city
- region
- postcode
- country_id
- telephone
- formatted_html
- formatted_text
- validation_errors - This will only be populated in response to a PUT/POST
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Reset the shipping address
Return a collection of crosssell products. NOTE: This collection changes as the cart data changes.
"000-000": {
"sku": "000-000"
"name": "Dummy Product",
"description": "Dummy Product",
"short_description": "Dummy Product",
"url": "<url>",
"images": {
"normal": "<url>",
"small": "<url>",
"thumbnail": "<url>",
"is_in_stock": true,
"price": {
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"final_price": {
"formatted": "$0.00",
"amount": 0,
"currency": "USD"
"is_saleable": true,
"qty": 10000,
"min_sale_qty": null,
"max_sale_qty": 100
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- sku
- name
- description
- short_description
- url
- images
- is_in_stock
- price
- final_price
- is_saleable
- qty
- min_sale_qty
- max_sale_qty
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Return a collection of available shipping methods. NOTE: This collection changes as the cart data changes.
"code": "flaterate_flaterate"
"carrier": "flaterate"
"carrier_title": "Flat Rate"
"method": "flaterate"
"method_title": "Flat Rate"
"description": "Flat rate shipping"
"price": {
"formatted": "$0.00"
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 0,
Supported query parameters
- attrs
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
- code
- carrier
- carrier_title
- method
- method_title
- description
- price
- comma separated list of resource attributes you want returned
Return a collection of available payment methods. NOTE: This collection changes as the cart data changes and depends on the store configuration.
"code": "braintree",
"title": "Credit Card ",
"cc_types": {
"AE": "American Express",
"VI": "Visa",
"MC": "MasterCard"
"code": "checkmo",
"title": "Check / Money order",
"cc_types": null
- This module is currently being written for PHP 5.4+ and Magento CE 1.8+ support only.
- When PHP 5.4 hits EOL, the minimum requirements will be updated to reflect this.
- If/when Magento CE 1.10 is released then support for Magento CE 1.8 will be dropped.