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mbed-flasher is a simple Python-based tool for flashing boards. It provides a simple Command Line Interface and Python API for flashing.

The purpose is to provide a clean and simple library that is easy to integrate to other tools. It can be easily developed further to support flashing in mbed OS and other platforms. Developers can also use it as a standalone tool for flashing their development boards.


To install the flasher, use:

pip install .

To install the flasher in development mode:

pip install --editable .


This tool has been tested and verified to work with Windows 10 and Ubuntu (16.04 LTS) Linux.

Devices used in verification: NXP K64F.

See the actual usage documentation here.


Main help

/> mbedflash --help
usage: mbedflash [-h] [-v] [-s] <command> ...

For specific command help, run: mbedflash <command> --help

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose  Verbose level... repeat up to three times.
  -s, --silent   Silent - only errors will be printed.
  --version      show program's version number and exit

  <command>      command help
    flash        Flash given resource
    reset        Reset given resource
    erase        Erase given resource

Flash help

/>mbedflash flash --help
usage: mbedflash flash [-h] [-i INPUT] [--tid TARGET_ID] [--no-reset] [method]

positional arguments:
  method                <simple>, used for flashing

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Binary input to be flashed.
  --tid TARGET_ID, --target_id TARGET_ID
                        Target to be flashed.
  --no-reset            Do not reset device before or after flashing

Erase help

c:\>mbedflash erase --help
usage: mbedflash erase [-h] [--tid TARGET_ID] [--no-reset] [method]

positional arguments:
  method                <simple>, used for erase

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tid TARGET_ID, --target_id TARGET_ID
                        Target to be erased.
  --no-reset            Do not reset device after erase

Reset help

c:\>mbedflash reset --help
usage: mbedflash reset [-h] [--tid TARGET_ID] [method]

positional arguments:
  method                <simple>, used for reset

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tid TARGET_ID, --target_id TARGET_ID
                        Target to be reset.

Running unit tests

Required pre-installed packages: coverage, mock

sudo pip install coverage mock

Execute all tests:

coverage run -m unittest discover -s test

Execute hardware tests:

coverage run -m unittest discover -s test.hardware

Execute non-hardware tests:

coverage run -m unittest discover -s test.non_hardware

Generate a coverage report:

coverage html