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## Home ##

Catharine McGhan edited this page Feb 20, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the general_info wiki!

This is a wiki for the Autonomous Systems for S.P.A.C.E. R.O.B.O.T.I.C.S. Lab!
(a.k.a., Prof. Catharine ("Cat") McGhan's research lab @UC.)

...Why yes, that is a super-long acronym up there. The full lab name is: Autonomous Systems for Safe, Provably Accurate, Cross-disciplinary Engineering Research On BOunded, Trustworthy Intelligence, and Conditions for Stability... Lab.

(You know you're in trouble when your acronym needs an acronym, no? ;)

Wiki Table of Contents:

Available here:

Recommended O/S and programs for editing/working on AS4SR projects:

If you want to do robotics work, it's recommended that you (1) get yourself a copy of Ubuntu (14.04 or 16.04) and install ROS (indigo for Ubuntu 14.04, kinetic for Ubuntu 16.04).

Note that the cmcghan/vagrant-rss repo has some files that will perform an auto-install of some dependencies for some of the projects, but beware -- the repo is continually a work-in-progress. Use branch ubuntu-16.04-xenial for the newest code (14.04 is supported by the xenial branch also, but deprecated somewhat, see the file).

Development tools in Ubuntu:

Installation commands to use at terminal prompt if editing files (under Ubuntu):

  • Git-related tools:
    sudo apt-get install git git-gui git-cola meld gitg giggle
  • GUI version of apt(-get) and general IDEs:
    sudo apt install synaptic; sudo apt install geany geany-plugin-spellcheck spyder
  • Text editors (gedit; Brackets: link, link):
    sudo apt install gedit; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/brackets; sudo apt update; sudo apt install brackets
  • PyCharm (community version) Python IDE (link, main link, edu link):
    sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc)-getdeb apps" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/getdeb.list'
    wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    sudo apt update; sudo apt install pycharm

See this other wiki page for more information on what these programs are and can do for you.

License modification:

Note that we use the BSD 3-clause license here. See the LICENSE file for this repository for an example of what this should look like. Once this license file has been created, this license file should not be changed.

Brief explanation for students:

For UC work, use the BSD 3-clause license that supplies and modify it accordingly -- for AS4SR projects, use University of Cincinnati as the copyright holder (for an example, see the LICENSE file discussed above).

Then, put your name in the AUTHORS and/or CONTRIBUTORS file.

In every file you create (or modify) after that, you should add the abbreviated license pointer to the top of that file. As an example, the abbreviated one we use for all new, original work for this particular repository (AS4SR/general_info) is:

# Copyright 2017 University of Cincinnati
# All rights reserved. See LICENSE file at:
# Additional copyright may be held by others, as reflected in the commit history.

Longer explanation:

If you contribute to projects in this repository group and work at a UC institution, or on a project funded by a UC institution, then you are "covered" already under the copyright heading (and sending us pull requests is explicit and tacit agreement to the CLA). However, it is recommended that, at minimum, you add your name to the AUTHORS file listing, in order to receive due credit for your work :)

If you work at another institution or company, or are helping in your own unfunded time off-the-clock, then you should be covered under the "Additional copyright may be held by others, as reflected in the commit history." line.

  • If you are working on your own personal copy, then please add your name to the AUTHORS file listing.
  • If you make major changes to the files, or add new files, on the order of being a major contributor, you have two options:
    • If you wish to become a contributor and push your changes to one of our main repositories, then you will be subject to our CLA (Contributor License Agreement). The act of submitting to us a pull request is explicit and tacit agreement to our CLA. (More information will be added shortly, but in plain english: by submitting a pull request, you are declaring that the code and other files you are contributing is yours, you are declaring that you have the right to license what you are contributing, you are agreeing to license your contribution under the license for that project, and you are granting the right to distribute your contribution with the project code.)
    • If you are keeping your repository separate, then please add an institutional license file of your own (e.g., LICENSE-2) to the top-level directory of the repository, with your institution listed in that new license file. You must keep the original LICENSE file in your repository, without modification. It is recommended that you also create a or README.txt file (or modify the pre-existing file) and add an explanation that the original code is Copyright (c) University of Cincinnati, and that your institution retains copyright (via the new license file, or whatever form your copyright interest takes) for the modifications you have made to the original code.

Example templates:

Rather than reproducing the full LICENSE file every time at the top of each file, a minimal license heading can instead be included at the top of each (new or modified) file in the repository, referring back to the main LICENSE file.


# Copyright <year> University of Cincinnati
# All rights reserved. See LICENSE file at:
# Additional copyright may be held by others, as reflected in the commit history.


# Copyright <year> University of Cincinnati, <your institution here>
# All rights reserved. See LICENSE file at:
# Additional copyright may be held by others, as reflected in the commit history.

or (if the file is wholly your own original work):

# Copyright <year> <your institution here>
# All rights reserved. See LICENSE file at:


As a start, see this other wiki page for an explanation of "from-scratch" license modification for a similar open-source project.

(And some references on the CLA stuff, if you're interested in reading up more on it: link, link, link, link, link, link )

For general license text / the LICENSE copyright-owner(s)-wording, we use these two sources as a guideline:

If you don't want to go looking, the main 'abbreviated' text examples are reproduced here:

# Copyright by California Institute of Technology
# All rights reserved. See LICENSE file at:

# Copyright 2016 University of Cincinnati
# Copyright 2013 University of Notre Dame, Northwestern University, and Data Curation Experts
# Additional copyright may be held by others, as reflected in the commit history.


If you have questions about this repository or documentation, or would otherwise like to contact the primary author (Cat McGhan), please do so at! :)