Breaking issue, drop everything to resolve this.
Elevated priority, these issues take precedence over the rest of the backlog.
Still relevant, but address these issues last.
Standard priority, address these issues in accordance with developer preference.
Help is wanted (or needed) from other developers.
A bug report or feature request that may be a duplicate of an existing Issue or bug.
Further information is requested
This pull request is a work in progress and should not be merged.
A bug report and/or bug fix (for PRs).
Pertaining to the CI/CD system (Jenkins) not necessarily testing related.
This is something we need to discuss/decide.
Improvements or additions to documentation.
Stuff that isn't useful now, but may be useful later.
Pertaining to our practices and/or SDLC, not tied to a particular implementation.
Quality of life improvement, not necessarily a new feature request.
Requested refactor of an existing feature.
Relating to security and/or access permissions
Pertaining to the test suite and/or test runners.