Spectral density peak finding and fitting using python scipy.
The peak finding and fitting functions in curfit.py are generic, can be used for any data. The peak generator peakgen generates 3 peaks and adds the power spectral density, generated from the white noise (psd-transformed noise).
--- Prerequisites:
numpy, scipy - both are provided through Anaconda Distribution. python2.7 - it looks like scipy.optimize.curve_fit() is not available in 2.6.
--- Performance of cuftit_test on aclinec using ipython: filtering time: 0.060 ms. peak finding time: 0.3 ms. fitting time: 7.0 ms.
Typical result of processing 3 peaks:
Example of testing using ipython:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import curfit_test
cft = curfit_test.cfTest()
# one may want to look and change the peak parameters:
# loop with randomly changing one of the peaks
while 1:
rPos = np.random.random()*0.4+0.3
rAmp = 1e-9*(0.1+5*np.random.random())
rs2 = 0.005 + 0.025*np.random.random()
cft.generate_peaks([0.25, 0.01,1e-9, rPos,rs2,rAmp, 0.75, 0.01, 1e-9])