Detect agents with yolov8 in real-time and publish detection info via ROS
Since this package is based on [ultralytics/yolov8], python>=3.8 is required.
You need to have ultralytics installed in your workspace. You can do it by running the following commands:
pip install ultralytics
You will also need Rospy. You can install it by running the following commands:
pip install rospkg
For visiualization purposes you might need opencv. You can install it by running the following commands:
pip install opencv-python
Clone this repository in your workspace.
Install the packages needed.
Run the following command in your workspace:
The publisher data type is a pose array with a frame_id in the header and array of poses. Each pose represents a detected agent. The pose contains the bbox of the agent in the image. Note: since pose has 3 values the fourth value of the bbox is in the orientation of the pose.
seq: 1312
secs: 1694624194
nsecs: 492149829
frame_id: "0" --> frame id
x: 236.40818786621094 -> assuming xyxy is used this is x1 value of agent 0
y: 0.7245025038719177 -> assuming xyxy is used this is y1 value of agent 0
z: 412.4126281738281 -> assuming xyxy is used this is x2 value of agent 0
x: 194.5230712890625 -> assuming xyxy is used this is y2 value of agent 0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
w: 1.0
x: 868.2145385742188
y: 0.1385238617658615
z: 1019.5242309570312
x: 191.39376831054688
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
w: 1.0
x: 865.4376220703125
y: 0.0
z: 1077.7840576171875
x: 193.37823486328125
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
w: 1.0
When tested with zed camera at 15 fps the average inference time was around 4ms.
There were some frame which took more than 10ms to process but for most frames the inference time was between 3-5ms.