Template string with printf-style placeholders.
When using sprintf(), the template parameters are passed as arguments. This class is sort of "delayed sprintf" - instead of variables, parameter names are passed to the constructor. There must be enough parameter names for all placeholders.
use AZBosakov\ParamString\Printf;
$pf = new Printf('The answer is %d, the question is %s, the answer again is %d', 'ans', 'q', 'ans');
$pf = $pf->withParams(['ans'=>42, 'q'=>'"6 x 9 = ?"']);
"$pf" == "The answer is 42, the question is "6 x 9 = ?", the answer again is 42";
There must be enough params for all placeholders.
Get the template string passed to the constructor
Clone the object and set the named param value.
Get a parameter by name
Clone the object and set multiple params at once.
Get a snapshot of the parameters