This is my preferred set of ESLint rules, bundled up into a single ESLint config. Suitable for React JS and Node development. Aimed at ESLint v5, but should work with v4.
I liked the baseline set of rules that Netflix use in their DEA eslint config package (eslint-config-netflix-dea) but I wanted something a little stricter. I found their package was a good, sensible starting point for me to built atop with some of the rules I felt were missing.
Install it as a local package along with ESLint itself via NPM:
npm i -D eslint eslint-config-alc
Or Yarn:
yarn add -D eslint eslint-config-alc
Then create yourself an .eslintrc
file that extends the config:
"extends": ["alc"]
And off you go! ✨
I created this package to enforce some rules I prefer using in projects. It extends the Netflix DEA ESLint config package and adds a few additional rules on top to make the config a bit stricter. From experience I've learned that stricter settings overall produce more consistent code. However, I don't think I went too overboard and in general this config should be relatively painless to use.
Have a look inside index.js
to see what rules I've added over and above Netflixes base
DEA config.