A collection of random scripts that I needed at one time in history. They may be sloppy but they work, and I may not know how they work lol.
Name | What? | Why? | Link |
CHMOD 400 Windows Simulator | It gives a file permissions of chmod 400. (may make a full chmod version later) | To enable SSH for AWS public key (.pem) in VScode on Windows. | chmod400.ps1 |
OCR JPG images in a folder to a DOC file | It generates a doc file from the OCR processed from the jpg images in the folder it runs in. | Handy Tool (Needs Tesseract, pytesseract and Pandoc to be installed) | ocr-jpg-in-folder.sh |
Trendyol Website Product Scraper | A tool for extracting the product info from the webpage through Web Scraping using JS | (For Educational purposes only) | Trendyol Scraper |