UID: 605-691-763
In this lab, I successfully implemented a 1 MiB ext2 file system containing: 2 directories (root_directory, lost+found), 1 regular file (hello-world), and 1 symbolic link (hello->hello-world).
run 'make clean' if needed run 'make' run './ext2-create' to create the image
run 'fsck.ext2 cs111-base.img' to ensure file system is correct run 'dumpe2fs cs111-base.img' to get info about the file system run 'mkdir mnt' to set up mounting point for image run 'sudo mount -o loop cs111-base.img mnt' to mount the filesystem run 'cd mnt' to enter the directory run 'ls -ain' to get detailed info about files + directories run 'cat hello-world' or 'cat hello' to output "Hello world\n" which is the contents of file 'hello-world'
run 'make clean' run 'sudo umount mnt' to unmount the image