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React Frontend Project: ImageVista

This project is a React-based frontend application that leverages the Pixabay API to fetch images and display them on three different screens: the home page, search result page, and a modal image detail page. The application is designed to be responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across various devices.

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  1. Home Page:

    • Displays a dynamic background image that changes dynamically.
    • Responsive design for optimal viewing on different devices.

Home Screen Home Screen Tab Home Screen Mobile

  1. Search Result Page:

    • Features a responsive search bar for user input.
    • Displays search results in a responsive layout.
    • Includes a loading animation while fetching images from the Pixabay API.

ImageResult Screen Home Screen Tab Home Screen Mobile

  1. Modal Image Detail Page:
    • Responsive design for desktop, tablet and mobile users.
    • Provides a detailed view of the selected image.
    • Allows users to download the image.

Modal Screen Home Screen Tab Home Screen Mobile


  • Dynamic Background Image:

    • Added the ability to dynamically change the background image.
  • Font and Text Improvements:

    • Incorporated the Euclid font and fixed text overflow issues.
    • Capitalized essential text where needed.
  • Responsive Modal Design:

    • Designed a responsive modal for displaying image details.
  • LocalStorage Integration:

    • Implemented a LocalStorage hook to save search history.
    • Enables the retrieval of search history and handles click events on tags.
  • Loading Animation:

    • Added a loading animation during image fetching from the Pixabay API.
  • Search Functionality:

    • Integrated a search bar and implemented image fetching functionality.
  • Trending Bar:

    • Designed a responsive trending bar on the home page.
  • Navbar Component:

    • Created a responsive navbar component.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to roc8-assignment-1

    cd roc8-assignment-1
  3. Install Dependencies

    npm install
  4. Run the application

    npm run dev

    This will start the development server, and you can access the application at http://localhost:5173.

  5. Create .env file in the root (Provided .env.example)

Check out live project website