- This is a alternate for the popular API testing tool, Postman, built with React. It allows you to send HTTP requests to a server and view the response.
- User can eaily Send HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) to a server.
- Add key value.
- View the response from the server, including the status code and body
- Create and run collections of requests
- Create and run automated tests for APIs
- Indicator for status
- Detailed message for the request
- Memory size of the file will be displyed
- Responsive Design
step one
- Enter the URL of the server you want to send the request to in the "URL" field.
ste two
- Select the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) from the dropdown menu.
- Enter any request headers or body in the appropriate fields.
step three
- Click the "Send" button to send the request.
- The response from the server will be displayed below in the Response Body, For more detilas shift the tab Response Headers.
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