- A group project by Milena Eisemann, Samyak Jain, Abhinav Utkarsh, and Fabienne Greier from TU - Munich
In the summer semester of 2023, we took a course at TU Munich called Introduction to ROS. As part of this course, we were assigned with a project that involved the following components (See the visual overview ):
Unity Simulation Environment: A base version was provided, which we were free to adjust and improve.
ROS-Simulation-Bridge: This feature served as the communication bridge between the simulation and other ROS nodes via TCP. Again, a base version was provided to us, but we had the flexibility to make any necessary adjustments.
Quadrotor Controller: This component enabled position control of the drone. As with the other parts, a basic version was supplied, but we could modify it as required.
State Machine: we had to manage the state machine for our drone, which controlled tasks such as takeoff, exploring, and landing at the specified location.
Perception Pipeline: This required us to convert the depth image, firstly to a point cloud and then to a voxel-grid representation of the environment.
Path Planner: We were tasked with creating a path planner that would generate a path through the environment to the goal location.
Trajectory Planner: Following the path planner, we also had to design a trajectory planner based on the path found.
The path- and trajectory-planning is implemented in 2D by collapsing all obstacles into the x-y plane.
One of the requirements of the project was to implement a custom message or service definition which we did for our state_machine. The detailed documentation can be found in the documentation directory.
Watch our demo video below:
This project was implemented and tested on a system running Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS Noetic Full Desktop installed. The specific hardware specifications of the system (a Razer Blade 14 2021 model) are as follows:
- Processor : AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
- Processor Cores: 8
- Memory Size: 16 GB
- Memory Speed: 3200 MHz
- Graphics Card : RTX 3070
All the drone flight tests were performed on this system within a virtual environment running Ubuntu 20.04 with 6 cores and 12GB of Memory.
We were following the instruction doc: Ubuntu Installation Guide (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HaGEXkqa_M8hBGSx2cSsKWAnSgEtfGKO1poNUynt7DE/edit).
Install ros-noetic-desktop-full as a base.
Then install the required ROS packages: single command :
sudo apt-get install python3-catkin-tools ros-noetic-costmap-2d ros-noetic-move-base-msgs ros-noetic-move-base ros-noetic-pointcloud-to-laserscan ros-noetic-explore-lite ros-noetic-octomap-server ros-noetic-rtabmap-ros ros-noetic-rotate-recovery ros-noetic-octomap-rviz-plugins
Finally, make sure the two drone files from the course instructor have the right permissions to execute in the 'devel/lib/simulation' folder.
Then finally run
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
To start all the required processes including the Unity simulation and rviz, simply use the launchfile group4.launch
in the src directory.
roslaunch src/group4.launch
6.2 Recording & Playback
We use Rosbag for recording and playback, but need to rename the bagfile to recording.bag in the workspace. Commands: play: roslaunch simulation playback.launch record: rosbag record -a -o recording.bag
- Lizard Problem
- Elastic controller maneuver
- Confiscated pointclouds on each other
- Sparse 2D scan
- Unexplored regions because of high inflation radius