If you want to add any optimization or spot a bug, feel free to raise a pull request.
If for any solutions you can add 2-3 lines on the top of the file about the solutions, especially for the somewhat harder ones, that'd be great.
If you can make this readme nicer (but mainly more useful), welcome to raise PR for that too.
Find below one-line description of each of the directories. I will keep adding educational codes here.
Solution of all 26 problems for the Atcoder DP contest.
Solutions from codeforces rounds
Solutions for CSES problem set
Useful Chrome Extension to sort CSES problems by solved count.
Sections already added -
- Introductory - 19/19
- DP - 19/19
- Sorting and searching - 35/35
- Tree Algorithms - 17/17
- Graph - 36/36
- Mathematics - 31/31
- Range Queries - 19/19
- String - 17/17
- Advanced - 24/24