This repository provides Helm charts for configuring and deploying a Grey Matter service mesh into Kubernetes based platforms.
Helm is required to install the Grey Matter Helm Charts. Follow the Helm documentation to get started.
Once Helm is installed, add the Grey Matter repo as follows
helm repo add greymatter
You can then run helm search repo greymatter
to see the charts.
The steps below provide a quickstart example to deploy Grey Matter.
A Grey Matter LDAP account is still required to pull the images from our Nexus server. Run the following command and provide answers when prompted.
make credentials
By default, Grey Matter leverages mutual TLS (mTLS) communications for all traffic, including inbound traffic to the mesh. This means that all https
requests must include TLS certificates whether that be via a web browser or RESTful client. The Grey Matter helm charts have the ability to generate random Ingress and User certificates to ensure unique certificates every time a cluster is launched. For web based authentication, these certificates can then be imported into a web browser, to access resources in the mesh.
If you want to use the auto generated certs, you can set
to true
and it will create a self-signed certificate for Ingress and one for a User certificate.
If you want to provide your own valid certificates for ingress, set
and provide the cert information in the secrets chart, at.Values.edge.certificate.ingress
To get the user certificate, run these commands:
kubectl get secret greymatter-user-cert -o jsonpath="{.data['tls\.crt']}" | base64 -d > tls.crt
kubectl get secret greymatter-user-cert -o jsonpath="{.data['tls\.key']}" | base64 -d > tls.key
kubectl get secret greymatter-user-cert -o jsonpath="{.data['ca\.crt']}" | base64 -d > ca.crt
Then create a new p12 certificate to load into your browser:
openssl pkcs12 -export -out greymatter.p12 -inkey tls.key -in tls.crt -certfile ca.crt -passout pass:password
By default, when deploying SPIFFE/SPIRE, the Grey Matter helm charts will automatically generate a Certificate Authority (CA) and Registrar certificate signed by that CA. This behavior can be controlled using the
configuration option in the global.yaml file (default is true
The SPIFFE/SPIRE Registrar certificate will be automatically generated regardless of whether the CAs were provided or auto-generated. The validity period of the Registrar certificate can be controlled with the
option (default is730
is set to true
- The SPIFFE/SPIRE Certificate Authority (CA) will be generated automatically by the helm charts and will be used to sign the Registrar certificate.
- There will only be one level of Certificate Authority (Root CA -> Signed Certificate). This is due to a limitation in the Sprig crypto library used by Helm. In the corresponding SPIFFE/SPIRE secrets, the entries for the Intermediate CA and Root CA will both contain the same auto-generated CA.
- The four fields under
are not needed when auto-generating the Certificate Authority and will not be used.
is set to false
- The SPIFFE/SPIRE Certificate Authority will NOT be generated automatically and must be provided in the configuration.
- There are four options that must be provided under
(note that all values are Base64-encoded):
Option | Value |
int_ca_crt_b64enc |
Intermediate CA certificate (Base64-encoded) |
int_ca_key_b64enc |
Intermediate CA key (Base64-encoded) |
root_ca_crt_b64enc |
Root CA certificate (Base64-encoded) |
cert_chain_b64enc |
Certificate Chain file (Base64-encoded) |
The Grey Matter helm charts will, by default, deploy SPIFFE/SPIRE to the spire
namespace. This can be changed by modifying the
option prior to installation. No other changes are needed.
The following set of commands will install Grey Matter using the GitHub hosted Helm Charts.
helm install secrets greymatter/secrets -f credentials.yaml -f global.yaml
helm install spire greymatter/spire --set=global.environment=kubernetes -f global.yaml
helm install fabric greymatter/fabric --set=global.environment=kubernetes -f global.yaml
helm install edge greymatter/edge --set=edge.ingress.type=LoadBalancer -f global.yaml
helm install sense greymatter/sense -f global.yaml --set=global.waiter.service_account.create=false
If you would like to scale to a production ready mesh set global.release.production to true in
A greymatter-mesh-identity-<customer_name>
configmap is created and holds a randomly generated 6 digit alpha numeric code and customer name. These are used by the makefiles to create the named releases. Per the Makefiles these helm releases will be of the form <chart>-<customer_name>-<random_string>
. This provides developers an extra layer of security for the mesh since the makefile rules load information from the existing mesh. After installation of the service mesh is complete the configmap is deleted.
To recreate the configmap using helm:
make restore-identity
Reinstate the configmap manually:
Create the configmap yaml:
Run helm ls
and you will see releases of the form <chart>-<customer_name>-<random_string>
. Create a yaml from the template below and populate the <customer_name>
and <random_string>
accordingly. Then run kubectl apply -f <your file>
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: greymatter-mesh-identity-<customer_name>
namespace: <namespace>
customer: <customer_name>
rand_identifier: <random_string>
Once the mesh instance configmap is reinstated you will again be able to run make commands against the releases. Note, this does not protect against a user running helm uninstall manually
At this point, you can verify that Grey Matter was installed successfully by opening your browser and pointing it to https://localhost:30000
and verify that all six services are running.
Integration tests are run automatically upon pull requests; however, you can emulate these same tests on your local machine. In fact, it's encouraged that you do this before you submit a PR. The below procedure assumes that you have cloned this repo and are starting from it's base directory (the same location as this README file).
- Build the k3d cluster.
make k3d
- Configure your credentials (you will need a Grey Matter LDAP username and password).
make credentials
- Configure secrets.
make secrets
- Run the Grey Matter integration tests.
cd test go mod vendor go test -v greymatter_integration_test.go
Grey Matter Helm Charts follow semver principals and allow us to manage active development for current and future releases. Pre-release charts will have a suffix of -x
which indicates to helm that this is a prerelease chart. These are not used for installation or dependency fulfillment unless specifically called out.
Any change to the Helm Chart templates or values files will require the chart version to be incremented in order to pass ci/cd linting.
General guidance for release/ tag versioning:
Increment Major:
If a helm release can not be upgraded using a helm upgrade <release_name>
Adding or major charts
Increment Minor: Addition, removal, substitution of values files and/or templates have changes that make them incompatible with older values files
Increment Patch: Template logic changes which do not result in modifications to values files (are backwards compatible)
Releases will be tagged periodically and will be based off the release branch. For release-2.4
branch we will tag 2.4.x
Additional information on the Helm Charts and Grey Matter configuration can be found in the links below.
- Getting Started
- Ingress
- Multi-tenant Helm
- Service Accounts
- Deploy with Minikube
- Deploy with K3d
- Upgrade an Existing Grey Matter
- Control API
- Caveats and Notes
- Generating k8s Configs with Helm
- Generating Configuration Docs
- Upgrading Sidecar Metrics to mTLS
If at any time you require assistance please contact Grey Matter Support.