Releases: AdaemmerP/lpirfs
lpirfs 0.2.3
lpirfs 0.2.2
Disabled the possibility lags_exog = 0 for functions
. Solely contemp_data should be used for exogenous data with contemporaneous impact. -
Updated documentation for functions
regardings exog_data and lags_exog.
lpirfs 0.2.0
The dependency on the external JST data set has been removed by commenting out the examples for
the panel functions. Now, the JST data set has to be downloaded by the user first, before running
the examples for the panel functions.
Fixed a bug for lp_lin_panel() and lp_nl_panel() regarding the construction of the
endogenous and exogenous variables. -
Fixed a bug for lp_nl_panel() when using the switching variable.
Fixed a bug for lp_lin_panel() and lp_nl_panel() when a pooling model is specified.
New checks for lp_lin_panel() and lp_nl_panel() to see whether shock variable has been dropped during estimation, potentially because of co-linearity or identification issues.
lp_nl_panel() now returns the (transformed) switching variable as a tibble along with the original data
for comparabaility. -
Updated documentation.
Updated examples.
Added two functions to estimate linear and nonlinear irfs for panel data.
Added an option to choose whether to use lagged values of the switching variable in
nonlinear models. -
Added an option to use a dummy approach for the nonlinear models.
Deleted messages about how models are estimated (e.g. with or without exogenous data).
Changed input name in
for consistency:
function | old input name | new input name |
lp_lin_iv() |
twosls |
use_twosls |
lpirfs 0.1.3
Included an option to conduct 2SLS with lp_lin_iv.
Included an option to set the lag length of the endogenous variables in lp_lin_iv and lp_nl_iv to zero.
Deleted the deprecated plot functions plot_lin_irfs and plot_nl_irfs.
Improved documentation.
Changed input names in
for consistency:
function | old input name | new input name |
lp_lin_iv() |
instr |
shock |
lp_nl_iv() |
instr |
shock |
lpirfs 0.1.2
lpirfs 0.1.2
Fixed an error in
when lags are chosen by a lag length criterion.
Version 0.1.1 chooses lags based on linear instead of
nonlinear data. -
Removed the dependency on the vars package.
now allow to include exogenous variables and exogenous variables
with contemporaneous impact. -
are deprecated and have been
replaced byplot_lin()
. -
Two new functions named
allow to estimate
linear and nonlinear impulse responses with identified shocks (instrument variables). -
Input names in
have been changed for consistency:
function | old input name | new input name |
lp_lin() |
lags_lin |
lags_endog_lin |
lp_nl() |
lags_lin |
lags_endog_lin |
lp_nl() |
lags_nl |
lags_endog_nl |
lp_nl() |
hp_filter |
use_hp |
lpirfs 0.1.1
lpirfs 0.1.1
The dependency to the mFilter package is removed. The HP-filter is now written in C++ which
vastly improves efficiency. -
A problem with a C++ function is resolved so that the package can also be installed on Oracle Solaris.
Renamed functions:
original name | new name |
lm_function |
get_resids_ols |
reduced_var |
get_mat_chol |
find_lag_c |
get_vals_lagcrit |
newey_west_c |
newey_west |
switching_series |
get_vals_switching |
lpirfs 0.1.0
- Preparation for CRAN release.