Description: This application allows consumers to search complaints submitted to the CFPB by other consumers.
This application is written in JavaScript and Less within the React + Redux framework. It uses Webpack at runtime to manage module loading.
The code is written with the ES6 feature set of JavaScript. Backwards compatibility is achieved by compiling the script with Babel prior to using it within the browser.
Unit testing of the application is performed within Jest with Enzyme providing support for event testing.
npm is used to manage the build/test/deploy cycle.
The ccdb5_ui
(note the underscore) directory contains a thin Django
implementation that allows it to be used as a plugin for
CFPB's public website.
This application depends on the following third-party components:
- Capital Framework - CFPB standard styling and controls
- History - Integrating the address bar with the application
- moment - Better date handling than native JavaScript
It also contains portions adapted from:
Detailed instructions on how to install, configure, and get the project running are in the INSTALL document.
Please see the subsection Configuring in INSTALL
This application depends on the Public Complaints API to be available.
For local development, you will need to the following:
- Get a local version of running
- Fill the local Elasticsearch with data
- (optional) Install the API
- Once it is cloned, make sure the website knows the plugin is available. Look under "Loading Sibling Projects, option 2" here
To run the app in development mode:
npm start
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Enter Control-C
to exit development mode
To launch the JavaScript test runner in interactive watch/test mode:
npm test
Enter Control-C
to exit interactive watch mode
To run the Python unit tests, first install Tox, and then run:
The Issue Tracker contains the most up to date status of issues or bugs with this repository.
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.