OpenGL project which consists of 3D environment, to demonstrate assembly and disassembly of desktop parts. This uses basic glut library to construct a 3D Scene of CPU and it's components.
see Code of Conduct
Instance | Image |
Initial View | |
CPU View | |
Desktop View |
- Setup the project with required OpenGL headerfiles in your IDE (refer this - Visual Studio or CodeBlocks).
- Copy all required header files & data files the project.
- Run the project.
Note: BMP Image Error -
change BMP images path to either Relative to project ( Currently ) or Absolute ( if error occurs )
Instructions to run on MacOS
Install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install necesarry linking libraries
brew install freeglut glfw3 glew lstdc++
Compile project into binary
clang -o main main.cpp -L/usr/local/lib -lglfw -lstdc++ -framework OpenGL -framework GLUT -framework Cocoa
Run the binary
Note: GLUT is getting deprecated on MacOS 10.9 above, so some functionalities might not work. Need to fix these deprecations soon
Up Arrow
- Move ForwardsDown Arrow
- Move BackwordsLeft Arrow
- Move Left SideRight Arrow
- Move Right SideEsc
- Exit of Program / Exit of CPU View ( according to context )Enter
- Enter into CPU View / Disassemble Components ( according to context )Backspace
- Assemble componentsMouse Hover
- Change Camera View & Rotate Person
- (optional) IDE ( Visual Studio / CodeBlocks )*
- basic C++ Libraries
- glut.h ( freeglut )
- Basic 3D World Setup -
- Basic OpenGL function's introduction -
- Texture Mapping -
- Textbook for understanding structure of OpenGL - Computer Graphics With OpenGL - Donald Hearn & Pauline Baker.
Project Report with detailed structure of project.
Mail / Facebook messages can be done
- Adarsh Revankar -
- Akshaya Ram -