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Ãditya⛄Chatterjee edited this page Dec 4, 2016 · 14 revisions

Repository Hunter :octocat:

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###Making GitHub:octocat: more socially engaging 🎮 and fun 🍥 for all 👦 + 👧 + 👴 + 👶 + 🐮 + 🐦 + 🐱 ...

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The application provides 3 kinds of services:

  • Fun Facts

  • Embeddable GitHub Contribution graph

  • Profile Presentation

  • The first engaging feature is the Fun Facts. This meets the curiosity of a human to peek into the progress/ work accomplished by other users. Several engaging facts are presented which when observed closely provides deep insights into the mind of our fellow GitHub users. Some instances of engaging features are the list of most commented issues in GitHub, the list of oldest issues in GitHub, some of the most popular developers in GitHub and others. Some deep insights are:

    • The most commented issue has around 16565 comments but the sad part is that it is a result of automation.
    • The oldest unresolved bug is around 15 years old.
    • The most popular user is Linus Torvalds with over 46700 followers whereas he follows none (contrary to the assumption that "more users I follow, the more users will follow me") .
    • A seemingly authentic issue has over 1915 comments which is a discussion over iCloudin, which is a tool to bypass iCloud and another issue addressing the same issue has over 1279 comments. The strange part is there are only around 130 participants, a small number compared to other issues.
    • An issue over a project that won China 2014 State Science and Technology Prizes has over 1426 comments with over 997 participants.
      and observations continue forever. ▶️
  • The second one is Embeddable GitHub Contribution graph. This allows anyone to embed their contribution graph in any web application. Get your graph today ! The best part is the even if your graph has been removed as happened with Ciro Santilli several years ago, still you will be able to see your long lost graph and save it for warm memories. Here is my saved contribution graph:
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    Check out your graph and embed it today : here

  • The third one is a user profile presentation service where the public profile details such as some users following the concerned user, some users being followed by the concerned user, the language usage distribution and some public information is displayed in an exciting way. Check your profile today.

####Use the app here

New exciting features coming soon. 🎉

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be happy

Repository Hunter

Enjoy this and be happy always!

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