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Library for easy creation of discord bots in Java.

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Library for easy creation of discord bots in Java based on JDA.


  • Java 17 or higher


    <name>ProjectCode Repository</name>


maven {
    url ""
implementation "me.adipol.modernjda:ModernJDA:1.0.1"

Example code

public static void main(String[] args) {
    ModernJDA modernJDA = new ClientBuilder()
            .checkUpdate(false) //optional, check updates on start (default: true)
            .enableIntent(GatewayIntent.GUILD_MEMBERS) //optional
            .enableCache(CacheFlag.ACTIVITY) //optional

Create command

@CommandInfo(name = "foo")
public class FooCommand extends AbstractCommand {
    public void handleCommand(Member member, MessageChannel channel, MessageReceivedEvent event, String[] args) {
        //COMMAND HERE
modernJDA.getCommandManager().registerCommand(new FooCommand());
modernJDA.getCommandManager().getDefaultCommandMap().setPrefix("$"); //change prefix to $


@CommandInfo(name = "foo", aliases = {"foo1", "foo2"}) //set aliases for command
@CommandInfo(name = "foo", permissions = {"role1", "role2"}) //set one of required roles to use command
@CommandInfo(name = "foo", coolDown = 10000) //command cool down in ms
@CommandInfo(name = "foo", coolDownScope = CoolDownScope.COMMAND) //cool down for command
@CommandInfo(name = "foo", coolDownScope = CoolDownScope.MEMBER) //cool down for specific member

Create custom CommandMap

CommandMap adminCommandMap = new CommandMap("a!"); //create command map with a! prefix
adminCommandMap.setPrefix("admin!"); //set command map prefix to admin!
adminCommandMap.setPermission("role1", "role2"); //set one of the required roles to use command

adminCommandMap.registerCommand(new BanCommand());
adminCommandMap.registerCommand(new KickCommand());


Register listener

public class EventListener implements Listener {

    public void messageDeleteEvent(MessageDeleteEvent event) {

    public void commandExecuteEvent(CommandExecuteEvent event) {
        //Execute when member execute the command.

    public void commandExceptionEvent(CommandExceptionEvent event) {
        //Execute when command throw error.

    public void commandMissingPermissionEvent(CommandMissingPermissionEvent event) {
        //Execute when member use command without the appropriate permissions.

    public void commandNotFoundEvent(CommandNotFoundEvent event) {
        //Execute when member use command that not exists.

    public void commandCoolDownEvent(CommandCoolDownEvent event) {
        //Execute when member use command with cool down.
modernJDA.getEventManager().registerListener(new EventListener());

Custom Event

public class FooCustomEvent extends CustomEvent {
    private final String message;
@CommandInfo(name = "foo")
public class FooCommand extends AbstractCommand {

    public void handleCommand(Member member, MessageChannel channel, MessageReceivedEvent event, String[] args) {
        ModernJDA.getInstance().getEventManager().callEvent(new FooCustomEvent("my message!"));
public class EventListener implements Listener {

    public void myCustomEvent(FooCustomEvent event) {

Custom Config

public class MyConfig implements Config {
    private String prefix = "!";
MyConfig myConfig = ConfigUtil.loadConfig("config", MyConfig.class);

This method will create yml file with the given name. If the file exists, class fields will be set from configuration file.

MyConfig myConfig = modernJDA.loadConfig("config", MyConfig.class, true); //override file each time the bot is started

HTTP Request

  "foo1": "foo1",
  "foo2": [
class FooData {
    private String foo1;
    private List<String> foo2;
Request request = Request.builder()
        .header("Content-Type", "application/json") //Set headers
        .body("foo", "foo") //Set body (only POST and PUT)
TestData testData = request.send(TestData.class);

Utility classes

boolean hasRole = MemberUtil.hasRole(MEMBER, "role1", "rol2"); //return true if member has one of required roles