After installation don't forget to add DomainCheck to your shell path!
This simple command-line tool is for checking domain availability.
It currently has limited number of domain endings.
You can check for multiple domain endings like this:
Example: domain_name.#
- .@ -> checks all endings
- .# -> checks standard endings
- .$ -> checks shop-like endings
- .! -> checks country endings
- ._ -> checks other endings
Download executible directory from github based on your platform
Then you need to add the binary to your shell path.
Download either win-x64 or win-arm from github.
- win-64x --
- win-arm --
Then put that folder somewhere on your system and create a shortcut for file domaincheck.exe
Put this shortcut to C:\Windows\System32
Download either osx-x64 or osx-arm from github.
- osx-64x --
- osx-arm --
Then put that folder somewhere on your system.
Then run this command in terminal: echo "export PATH=\"{folder_location}/domaincheck\"" >> ~/.zshrc
(ZSH is most common but you can change shell)
Then restart terminal.
Download either linux-x64 or linux-arm from github.
- linux-64x --
- linux-arm --
Then put that folder somewhere on your system.
Then run this command in terminal: echo "export PATH=\"{folder_location}/domaincheck\"" >> ~/.bashrc
(Bash is most common but you can change shell)
Then restart terminal.
You can use this tool and its source code how you like.
No restrictions or licenses.
If you want to add a domain ending, create an issue here on github with title: "Domain ending request: [domain ending]"
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