This repository is made to control the kinovo kortex in gazebo when end effector twist is given as the input commands
- it uses inverse jacobian (mapping from end effector to the joint space velocity commands) which is built from scratch
- the next part which is currently ongoing is the image based visual servoing
- its open to suggestions
- the repository for ros_kortex needs to be cloned from their github page website this repository is built over that to facilitate control in gazebo
- clone the package into the src folder of the workspace
- use catkin_make command in the root directory of your worskpace
rosun kinovo_project
rosrun kinovo_project
note every command is with respect to end effector frame
- w,s for y direction linear velocity
- a,d for x direction linear velocity
- r,f for z direction linear velocity
- i,k for y direction angular velocity
- j,l for x direction angular velocity
- u,h for z direction angular velocity