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A lightweight wizard UI component that supports accessibility and HTML5 in JavaScript Vanilla.


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A lightweight wizard UI component that supports accessibility and HTML5 in Vanilla JavaScript.


  • Supports accessibility (ARIA-compliant).
  • Fully customizable wizard steps and navigation.
  • Works with both ES modules and CommonJS.
  • Built-in form validation and control.
  • New Features:
    • Conditional required fields using data-require-if attribute.
    • Dynamic required fields with on-active-required class.
    • Customizable validation highlighting.

Table of Contents


You can install the package via npm:

npm install @adrii_/wizard-js

For CDN usage:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<script src=""></script>



const Wizard = require('@adrii_/wizard-js');
const myWizard = new Wizard({
  /* your configuration here */


ES Modules

import Wizard from '@adrii_/wizard-js';
const myWizard = new Wizard({
  /* your configuration here */


Example HTML for Wizard

For content-only wizards:

<div class="wizard">
    <aside class="wizard-content container">
        <div class="wizard-step">
            <!-- Step content -->
        <!-- More steps -->

For wizards with form purpose, it manages the required fields and validates them:

<form class="wizard" method="POST">
    <aside class="wizard-content container">
        <div class="wizard-step">
            <input type="text" name="name" class="required" placeholder="Enter a short campaign name">
        <!-- More steps -->

Launch the Wizard

To launch the wizard:

let args = {
    "wz_class": ".wizard",
    "wz_nav_style": "dots",
    "wz_button_style": ".btn .btn-sm .mx-3",
    "wz_ori": "vertical",
    "buttons": true,
    "navigation": 'buttons',
    "finish": "Save!"

const wizard = new Wizard(args);


Restart the Wizard

To restart the wizard:


Update the Wizard

To update the wizard, deleting or adding steps:


Lock and Unlock the Wizard

To lock the wizard at a specific step:


To unlock the wizard:


Form Validation

Wizard-JS includes built-in form validation for required fields.

Required Fields

To mark an input as required, add the required attribute or the required class:

<input type="text" name="email" required>
<!-- or -->
<input type="text" name="email" class="required">

Conditionally Required Fields

You can make fields conditionally required based on the value of another field using the data-require-if attribute.

The format is data-require-if="fieldID:requiredValue".

<input type="checkbox" id="subscribe" name="subscribe">

<input type="email" name="email" data-require-if="subscribe:true" placeholder="Enter your email">

In this example, the email field becomes required if the checkbox with id subscribe is checked (true).

Dynamic Required Fields

Use the on-active-required class to mark fields that become required only when the step is active.

<input type="text" name="username" class="on-active-required" placeholder="Enter your username">

Custom Validation Highlighting

You can customize the validation highlighting behavior:

  • highlight: Set to true to enable highlighting invalid fields.
  • highlight_time: Duration (in milliseconds) to display the highlight. Default is 1000.
  • highlight_type: An object to define the classes for different highlight types.


let args = {
    /* Other configurations */
    "highlight": true,
    "highlight_time": 1500,
    "highlight_type": { error: "error", warning: "warning", success: "success", info: "info" }

HTML Attributes

Data Title Attribute [data-title]

Set the step title for the navigation. If left blank, the system will automatically add Step + step number as the title.

<div class="wizard-step" data-title="Configuration">
    <!-- Step content -->

Data Require If Attribute [data-require-if]

Define conditional required fields based on another field's value.

<input type="email" name="email" data-require-if="subscribe:true" placeholder="Enter your email">

Config Wizard

Options allowing you to modify the behavior and actions:

Parameter Type Default Definition / Value
wz_class String .wizard Wizard main container target
wz_ori String .horizontal Wizard orientation (.horizontal, .vertical)
wz_nav String .wizard-nav Navigation container class
wz_nav_style String dots Style of navigation steps (dots, tabs, progress)
wz_content String .wizard-content Body container class
wz_buttons String .wizard-buttons Action button container class
wz_button String .wizard-btn Class of Previous, Next, and Finish action buttons
wz_button_style String .btn Basic button style
wz_step String .wizard-step Class for both nav and body steps
wz_form String .wizard-form Class of the form that contains the wizard
wz_next String .next Class of Next action button
wz_prev String .prev Class of Prev action button
wz_finish String .finish Class of Finish action button
wz_highlight String .highlight-error Class for highlights when validation errors occur
current_step Number 0 Active wizard step
steps Number 0 Number of wizard steps
highlight_time Number 1000 Display time for validation highlight (in milliseconds)
navigation String all Navigation mode (buttons, nav, all)
buttons Boolean true Show or hide the action buttons
nav Boolean true Show or hide the header navigation
highlight Boolean true Enable or disable field highlighting on validation errors
next String Next Text for the Next button
prev String Prev Text for the Prev button
finish String Submit Text for the Finish button
bubbles Boolean false Enable or disable event bubbling for custom events
highlight_type Object { error: "error", warning: "warning", success: "success", info: "info" } Classes for different validation highlight effects
i18n Object Various Internationalization messages for errors, titles, and warnings

i18n Options

The i18n object allows you to define custom error messages for different wizard actions:

  • empty_wz: "No item has been found with which to generate the Wizard."
  • empty_nav: "Nav does not exist or is empty."
  • empty_content: "Content does not exist or is empty."
  • empty_html: "Undefined or null content cannot be added."
  • empty_update: "Nothing to update."
  • no_nav: "Both the nav and the buttons are disabled, there is no navigation system."
  • form_validation: "One or more of the form fields are invalid."
  • diff_steps: "Discordance between the steps of nav and content."
  • random: "There has been a problem, check the configuration and use of the wizard."
  • already_defined: "This item is already defined."
  • title: "Step" (used for default step titles if not specified in the HTML).

Events Management

Wizard-JS provides several events to help you manage and respond to user interactions.

Wizard Ready Event

To identify when the wizard is fully generated and loaded.

document.addEventListener("wz.ready", function (e) {
    console.log(`Target:`,; // .wizard
    console.log(`DOM Element:`, e.detail.elem); // DOM element

Wizard Update Event

Triggered when the wizard is updated.

let wz_class = ".wizard";
let $wz_doc = document.querySelector(wz_class)
$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.update", function (e) {
    console.log(`DOM Element:`, e.detail.elem);

Lock and Unlock Events

When the wizard is locked:

$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.lock", function (e) {
    alert("Wizard is locked");

When the wizard is unlocked:

$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.unlock", function (e) {
    alert("Wizard is unlocked");

Navigation Events

Moving to the previous step:

$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.btn.prev", function (e) {
    alert("Previous Step");

Moving to the next step:

$wz_doc.addEventListener("", function (e) {
    alert("Next Step");

Navigating forward with the navbar:

$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.nav.forward", function (e) {
    alert("Forward Navigation");

Navigating backward with the navbar:

$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.nav.backward", function (e) {
    alert("Backward Navigation");

Validation Error Event

Triggered when there is an error validating the data of the active form step.

$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.error", function (e) {
    console.log(`ID:`,; // form_validation
    console.log(`Message:`, e.detail.msg); // Form validation message
    console.log(`Target:`,; // Array of invalid elements

Form Submission and Wizard Completion Events

If it is a form, at the end it will fire the following event:

$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.form.submit", function (e) {
    alert("Form Submitted");

If it is not a form, at the end it will fire the following event:

$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.end", function (e) {
    alert("Wizard is finished");

Reset Event

When the wizard is restarted:

$wz_doc.addEventListener("wz.reset", function (e) {
    alert("Wizard has restarted");


Try it on CodePen:



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



Thanks for your help! 🎉