FrontEnd : HTML5, CSS3, EJS
Server: Node.js, Express.js
Database: MongoDB (NoSQL)
API: Axios
ODM: Mongoose
Logger: Morgan
Axios: For making API requests
Dotenv: For storing sensitive information
Body-parser: For getting data from the front-end to use on the back-end
Nodemon: To restart the server automatically and watch for changes
EJS: For writing JS code in HTML file
Express: For creating routes and rendering pages
Mongoose: Middleware for connecting to MongoDB Atlas (Used the Mongo cloud service, not my local storage)
Morgan: To log any messages on the console.
npm install .
Create config.env file and create PORT and MONGO_URI variables and specify their values and then run:
npm start
- GET: "/": Home route, all users are displayed in tabular format.
- GET: "/new-user": Go to the page to add a new user to the system.
- GET: "/update-user": Go to the page to update the information of an existing user.
- POST: "/api/users": Database route, create a new user and add that user to the database.
- GET: "/api/users": Database route, find all the users in the database.
- PUT: "/api/users/:id": Database route, used to update the information of an existing user by id in the database.
- DELETE: "/api/users/:id" Database route, delete a user from the database by id.
- This is my first full-stack project where I used front-end technologies, a Node.js runtime environment and a NoSQL database.
- This project is special because I got the chance to see the client-server architecture in live action and also got to play around with it.
- You can say that this project has been made by using the MJEN stack (MongoDB, JavaScript, Express.js, Node.js).
- The buttons on the website don't seem to be working as of now.
- However, the app runs perfectly and as an alternative, you can test the app on an API platform like Postman to see the desired results.