The project tries to apply fuzzy logic to control car in simple racing game.
- C – switch the vehicle controller between the keyboard (user) and the fuzzy controller.
- P – pause the controller.
- S – execute of one simulation step during pause (1 frame assuming 30 frames per second). At each step, the state of the fuzzy controller is also written to the output (console).
- V – toggle drawing graphs to illustrate the operation of controller rules.
- Q – exit from the program.
- Arrows (↑↓→←) and spacebar ( ) – vehicle control when the keyboard controller is active.
- Faster updating visualization - might be possible, but requires a lot of work:
- Try update plot instead full redo, see:
- Current solution:
, and drawing into pygame RGBA buffer pygame-matplotlib
backend seems to yield no improvement - lionel42/pygame-matplotlib-backend#3
- Track lap time to score model