Repo Representing practice for 3 types of android testing (unit testing - integration testing - UI testing)
- Ensures that all code meets quality standards before it's deployed
- Confirm code work like a charm.
- Simulate App End User.
- You don't need run real device or emulator to test cases.
- Unit test provides constant feedback about the functions.
- Quality of design increases which further helps in proper maintenance.
- Test driven development act as a safety net against the bugs.
- TDD ensures that your application actually meets requirements defined for it.
- TDD have very short development lifecycle.
- RegistrationUtil Unit Testing.
- ResourceComparerTest (android Context Test)
- Room DB Testing.
- Creating a Fake Repository for testing.
- Testing ViewModel.
- Dagger-Hilt Testing.
- Testing Fragments with Dagger-Hilt.
- Testing Navigation with Mockito & Espresso.
- Test Image Picking.